“I’m sorry. Yes, your sister is fine. I’ll be heading to her next. But I really need to speak with you,” he says, and I nod, waving Mom and Chaz over from where they’re looking at me from the kitchen table.

“Girls, just work on your homework for a little bit, okay?” I call.

“’Kay,” they all murmur in unison, engrossed in their different subjects.

The four of us step into what is now my craft room, where I make all my wreaths; everything that used to be part of my formal dining room was removed, since it wasn’t salvageable. “I’m sorry there’s not any chairs to sit in. They were all demolished in the break-in,” I say.

“Please, don’t apologize. What I’m about to tell you is highly confidential, and we are relying on your cooperation to stop some serious criminal activity,” he replies, and I nod, crossing my arms.

Chaz wraps his arm around my shoulders, pulling me close. “This has to do with the break-in, I assume,” he prompts quietly.

Officer Jameson nods. “But much more.” He turns his eyes to me. “Do you know a Corina Schmidt?” he asks, and my hackles instantly rise at the same time my stomach plummets. Oh God.

“I’ve never been formally introduced, but yes, I know who she is,” I admit, side-eyeing my mom, who I still haven’t told anything about Winston.

“About an hour and a half ago, Corina Schmidt contacted one of our undercover agents, who she believes is a hitman,” he says as gently as the words allow, and my eyes narrow in confusion. “She hired him.”

I shake my head. “I’m not sure I understand. Please, just rip the Band-Aid off. I’ve been through so much lately I can take just about anything.”

He clears his throat. “She put out a hit for you and your family.”

At that, my mom gasps loudly, her hand shooting up to cover her mouth, and Chaz shifts to wrap his other arm around her, tightening his grip on me as well.

“What?” I start to get tunnel vision and try to blink away the spots that suddenly float before me. “Why?”

“Not only on y’all, but on her husband Winston Schmidt as well,” he adds, and my soul feels like it leaves my body.

“Oh, God. No. No, is he okay?” I whimper, and he nods.

“Yes, Detective Mayson is at his restaurant now giving him the details I’m giving you now. There is a plan in place, and as long as everyone sticks to it, we will be able to gather the evidence to put Corina and her accomplice behind bars for a very long time,” Officer Jameson says, and I meet Chaz and Mom’s eyes. At their nods, I look at the man before us.

“Yes, what do we need to do?”

Two hours later, my girls, Mom, Chaz, and I are at the rental house my parents extended their stay in. I had offered for them to take Lola’s room, since Mia has been staying at Talon’s, but they felt like Lola should have her own space back for the time being, until we can find our new place.

There’s a knock at the door, and all of us adults jump at the sound. The girls are in a fort on a pallet in the living room, already asleep after being stuffed full of pasta for dinner, thank goodness.

I hurry to the door and peek out, seeing it’s my sister. “Oh, thank God,” I breathe as soon as I open the door and she rushes into my arms, knocking me back a couple of steps. I reach out and close and lock the door with her arms locked around my neck.

“Oh my God, Cece. Are you all right? You sounded distraught on the phone. I’m sorry I couldn’t get here sooner. Officer Jameson said we had to make it look as close to our normal routine as possible in case we’re being watched,” she rushes out, and I nod.

“I’m okay. A little drunk, but I’m okay. Mom and Chaz broke out a bottle of vodka,” I tell her, and she pulls back to look at me.

“Have you told them anything about Winston?” she whispers, and I shake my head.

“I promised them I’d tell them everything as soon as you got here.” I needed my sister, feeling like I’d need the backup, someone in my corner when Mom goes off the deep end like I know she will when she learns the truth.

Mia nods. “Talon is coming. Should I tell him to hold off, or do you mind spilling the beans in front of him?”

I shrug. “I think it would look more suspicious if you didn’t see him tonight, so he should come. He probably deserves a full explanation for why Win showed up at his house in full-on meltdown mode.”

Mia winces. “I’ve… sorta been filling him in on the Winston situation. Nothing too detailed, but enough that he knew you weren’t in any sort of danger from him.”