“I wanted to wait until everything was finished before I came to you. I didn’t want to get our hopes up with promises I wasn’t 100 percent sure I could keep. But the moment she was served, I knew I could finally try to contact you and tell you it’s finally over.”

A sob leaves me, a sound of pure relief accompanied by a surge of happy tears. “Is… is this really happening?” After all this time of fighting my feelings for this man I love with all my heart, it’s hard to believe I’ll no longer have to.

“It’s really happening, Cece. It really is.” His smile lights up my entire world. “I have to see you. Please. Will you meet me?”

My hand starts trembling at the prospect. I can barely think straight. “Um… I’m home alone with the girls. Mia is at Talon’s and my mom and Chaz are at their rental. So I can’t leave.”

“Let me come there. Please. Even if you’ll just meet me outside in your driveway for a moment, that’s all I ask for. I need to see you,” he pleads, and when I don’t answer immediately, his tone changes, seeing my obvious indecision. “I’m coming there. I’ll see you in fifteen. Meet me outside so I don’t wake the girls,” he commands, and my breath catches as my pussy clenches.

“Okay,” I whisper, nodding quick and shallow. “Be safe.”

“I will, naekkeo. I love you,” he replies, and he ends the call before I can respond.

“I love you too,” I tell my darkened screen.

Ten minutes later, I can’t wait any longer. I hurry out my front door, being careful to close it quietly behind me so I don’t wake up the girls. After pacing my front porch a few times, my bare feet chilly against the concrete, I force myself to sit in one of the rocking chairs and pull my legs up in the seat.

My teeth begin to chatter, and it’s not because I’m all that cold. It’s the adrenaline pumping through my system at the pure… insanity happening. My world flipped upside down in the best of ways in the past fifteen minutes. One moment, I was ready to go to bed in the home I’m putting up for sale, thinking about all the things I need to get done in order to get it ready to put on the market. All the while, there’s the constant background noise in my mind of Winston, how much I long for him, how much I freaking miss him, fighting with all my might to stay strong and not break down again. And then a few moments later, I’m here on my porch, waiting for him to arrive after he dropped the most wonderful bomb ever created.

And then there are headlights down the street, and I hold my breath as they turn into my driveway. The rumble of his engine cuts, and he’s climbing out of his truck, the same truck I rode in to his house all those weeks ago. Then I blink, and I’m suddenly on the steps of my porch, my body moving of its own accord. And I blink again, and I’m in his arms, being lifted off the ground, my legs wrapping around him, and his lips are on mine.

I sob into his mouth as his arms lock around me like he’ll never let me go, like I’m his lifeline and his very existence depends on me. I feel the same way as I bury my hands in the back of his thick dark hair, my head tilting to the side so I can deepen our kiss that’s one of pure desperation.

I pull back on a gasp long enough to tell him, “I love you too, Win,” finally confessing what I’m sure he already knows. But since he hung up before I could speak the words to him, I had to let him know. I had to put it out there so I don’t have to keep it bottled up inside me anymore.

He shudders at my profession, his eyes heating even as his face softens, the look shooting straight to my pussy that pressed to his rigid abs.

“Come inside,” I whisper, and I don’t know which I mean more, the house or my body. Both. I need him inside both, and I don’t want to wait a moment longer.

His brows furrow. “But your girls—”

“Are asleep,” I cut him off. “We’ll just be quiet.”

He looks torn. “Are you sure, naekkeo? We’ve waited this long. I can wait until this weekend, when your kids—”

I shake my head, interrupting him once more. “We’ve waited long enough. I want you, Win. I need you more than you could ever fathom. Please, take me inside and make me yours.”



Cece is so tiny, yet she’s the only thing I can see, everything around us disappearing as I press her against her closed bedroom door, her legs wrapping around my hips. It should feel wrong taking her here, in the house she once shared with another man, but I’m so desperate for her I don’t give a fuck. I’ll just imagine we’re back in my bed, and once I’m finally inside her, I won’t care where we are.