
He grins wickedly and cuts me off. “It’s a family name. One I got from my father, who is, in fact, a geek. A literal genius actually. Invented one of the first firewalls to block viruses when home computers first came on the market.”

My eyes widen at that. “Fuuuck, so you’re like, loaded-loaded.”

He shakes his head. “No, my dad is. Not me—well, I take that back. Just not compared to him. I invested my chunk of the family money, used it to make my dream of being the chef of my own restaurant come true, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I do… pretty well.” He gives me a smile that tells me he’s being modest. “Now, do you want to put my liquor therapy license to use and tell me what else has got you down now?”

Without even thinking, the words just burst forth. “I want a divorce.” I look down into the shot I haven’t taken yet, pick it up, and shoot it, forgetting about the salt I already sprinkled on my hand, but it doesn’t matter. I’m numb enough now that it still goes down smooth, but I bite the lime just to give myself something to do as Winston stares at me.

“So what’s stopping you?” he finally asks.

I grimace. “The asshole told me he’s not going to pay for it and it’s up to me to file. Like, why? Why the hell isn’t he willing to cough up the cash, when he’s the one who fucked some bitch and ruined our marriage? Ugggh!” I groan, slouching on the stool and banging my forehead on my arm resting on the bar. “And now I just confessed to my hot boss that my husband didn’t want me anymore and found some other ho to put his dick in. Tequila is the devil.”

I scream as I’m suddenly spun on my stool, the entire world tilting until I’m lifted by my waist and my ass is planted on top of the bar. There’s a loud screech as the stool I had been on is slid over, and then Winston’s big body is between my legs, my hands on his shoulders to keep me from falling over.

“I told you never to speak about yourself in that tone in front of me again, naekkeo,” he growls, and my breath catches in my throat at the fire in his eyes. It matches the blaze that’s suddenly taken up residence in my core. I don’t think I’ve ever been so turned on in my life.

No, scratch that.

I know for a fact that I’ve never been this aroused before. No one has ever made me feel this wanton, so aching with the need to have something fill me up and erase this void inside me.

“What that motherfucker did has nothing—absolutely nothing—to do with you. It was selfish and the stupidest thing anyone has ever done on the face of the planet, ruining his opportunity to call you his, to spend the rest of his goddamn life with you.” His nostrils flare as his breath saws in and out in heaving pants, the grip he has on my hips tightening to an erotic degree of pain and pleasure. “But his stupidity, his loss of that incredible opportunity is my gain, because without him making that idiotic mistake, I would’ve never had the chance to do this.”

And then his lips slam against mine.

I moan as one of his huge hands leaves my hip and tangles in the hair at the back of my head, digging his fingers into my scalp and tilting my head the way he wants it. And then his tongue is in my mouth, and the flavor of the tequila and the lime and something that is wholly Winston fills my every sense.

I gasp as I become aware of his hard abs pressing against the seam of my jeans, sending thunderbolts of pleasure through my clit. My short nails dig into the thick muscles of his shoulders, holding him to me, not wanting him to move away, and in that moment, my legs grow a mind of their own and lock around his back, pulling him even closer.

His mouth never leaves mine, even as he growls against my lips, “Fuck, naekkeo. I’ve never tasted anything as sweet as you.”

I shudder at the sincerity in his voice, the aching need I feel radiating from him that matches the desperation of my own. For the first time in my life, I can actually sense that a man desires me just as much as I desire him, and it’s an intoxicating feeling, even more intoxicating than the tequila I consumed.

The liquor running through my veins as I make out with and grind against my boss.

Fucking hell. I’m drunk and dry-humping my boss!

My legs drop and I jerk away as if I’ve been electrocuted, my hand leaving his shoulder and slapping across my mouth as my eyes widen in horror.