I shake my head at that, knowing I can’t be thinking about the man I love but can’t have.

“Please don’t cry.” She must hear the emotions I’m trying so desperately to hold back.

“I’m not going to cry. The girls and I are in a good spot, and with me getting a new job and the house going on the market soon, we will be even better off,” I say, holding my breath and waiting for her response to that little tidbit of news.

“New job?” I hear the surprise in her tone.

“This afternoon, I applied at a café in town, and they offered me a job. The pay is a little less than I was making at Winston’s, but with tips, it should even out. And it’s days, so I’ll be home with the girls in the evenings, and I can just move my online classes to nights and do my schoolwork while they’re in bed.”

“Cece, you don’t have to—”

I interrupt her, trying to keep the fire lit under my ass that I’ve felt since our conversation in Talon’s kitchen. “Mia, I love you, and I’m so thankful for you. But honestly, I can’t expect you to help me until I finish school. I know you’re not moving with us into the apartment, so it wouldn’t be fair of me to expect you to take care of my girls when they have two parents that are capable of looking after them.” I take a deep breath and let it out slowly. “You were right about Mike. He needs to start doing his part, and I’m going to start holding him accountable, because the girls and I both deserve that from him.”

“Still, I want you to know I’m here no matter what, even if I’m not living with you,” she replies, and I wonder what she plans to do, whether she’s going to find her own place like she originally planned, or if she’ll move in with her boyfriend, since she’s been staying the night there this whole week.

“I know that,” I assure her. “But I want… no, I need to do this. I need to know I can take care of my girls. I want them to see their parents, even if they aren’t together, putting their differences aside to make sure they’re happy.”

“I want that for you all too.”

“I know you do, and even if the conversation started off on a bad note, Mike did end up agreeing that he would try to be around more. So now, all I can do is wait to see what happens with him.”

“Does Winston know you’re quitting?” she asks carefully, and just the mention of his name sends my heart into overdrive.

I close my eyes, remembering the look on his face when I told him I would be looking for a new job. “Yeah, and he understands, even if he doesn’t like it. And honestly, I couldn’t work there and see him every day. There’s just too much that’s happened between us.”

“I get that, Cece, and I really think it’s healthier for you that you don’t work there anymore.”

“I know. I’m just going to miss seeing him,” I admit, forcing myself to open up.

“I’m sorry,” she whispers, and I hear her sincerity clear as day.

“Me too,” I murmur. “What’s your plan for tomorrow evening? Mom was asking about getting together for dinner with you and Talon.”

“Umm… Talon just got home. Let me ask him.”

“What’s up?” I hear him in the background, and after a silent moment, he prompts, “Babe.”

“Right. My parents are wondering if we can all get together for dinner tomorrow evening,” she says.

“Sure,” he replies, and I can’t see what’s happening, but she must be distracted, because he has to snap her out of it once more. “Mia.”

“Hmm?” she hums, and I stifle a giggle. She is totally smitten, and it’s adorable.

“Never mind.” His voice gets louder as he apparently takes the phone away from my sister. “Cece, yeah, dinner tomorrow works. How about you and your parents meet us here around five, and I’ll throw something on the grill?”

“That sounds perfect,” I reply, looking forward to it.

“Cool. See you then.”

“Oh, I’ll bring a dessert or something, okay?” I add. “And tell Mia I said goodnight. I’m gonna let you go.”

“Yeah. All right, have a good night, and sure, I’ll tell Mia you said that. Your sister said goodnight.”

I disconnect the call, shaking my head with a smile on my face, happy for the two of them. No one deserves happiness more in this world than Mia, and for her to have found a man as worthy of her as Talon makes me so thrilled for her. And it’s with only a little bit of jealousy I go to get ready for bed.

“Mia was telling Chaz and me about the house you’re building. We’d love to see it this week if you have time,” Mom says to Talon the next evening, picking up her wine glass. We’re all at the table on his back deck, our empty dishes from dinner spread out between us from our salmon, baked potatoes, and corn Mia fixed for us. Even my three girls finished all their food it was so good.