“How did you know?”

I use the tip of my shoe to push against the porch, making the swing slowly rock back and forth, grinning as I push the swing again. “The shocked look on your face kind of clued me in.”

“I feel dumb not putting it together.” She shakes her head.

“At least I know you weren’t just eyeing me like a piece of meat.” I tease her, using her own words against her. And if we’re being honest, words I’ve said over and over again while stuck in the club, rubbing baby oil on my chest.

“I’m sorry I accused you of that.”

Now I wish I had turned the light on. The peevish tone in Emma’s voice makes me wonder if her cheeks blush from her apology. “So, I guess you do know what it’s like to be an exotic dancer.” Her shoulder bumps into mine, teasing me.

I have to stop myself from grabbing her, hauling her on my lap, and grinding her into me. I’m shocked at the intense reaction my body has to her. Nobody has ever gotten under my skin this deep, or this fast. Draining the last of the beer, I set it down on the porch.

“I shouldn’t have stared at you the way I did.” The anger in my voice has Emma shifting her body so she can look directly at me.

“It’s fine.”

“No, it’s not. I hate the way women paw all over me, acting like they can stuff their numbers down my shorts and rub their perfume on me. I don’t want to treat anyone that way.”

Emma puts her hand on my knee and my dick jumps to attention, straining to get closer to her long fingers. I resist the urge to squirm away from her, hoping she doesn’t notice the bulge in my jeans. “Those are some harsh words there.”

I like that she doesn’t laugh, or make fun of me.

Only my brothers, Clara, and Willie know my true hatred toward dancing. If the other dancers found out how much I hated it they would tease the fuck out of me, so I do my best to hide my disgust while I’m at work.

“Was it always that way?” she asks.

I shake my head wishing I brought one more beer outside. “No, I wasn’t as into it as Ben was, but I dabbled in the perks. Ben has settled down now that he fell in love with Clara. He was the wildest of us all. Damien wasn’t as bad as Ben, but he brought his fair share of club junkies home.”

“What stopped him?”

“He got sick of it. He isn’t a saint, but he took a step back when we got closer to buying Willie’s. Now he’s all business. No time for women.”

“Wait? You guys are buying Willie’s?”

I smile, leaning back and pushing the swing again. “Yeah, Willie was the one who helped us become the Trifecta. He made us an offer that we would work for him getting the club to be the best in Vegas, and then he would sell it to us. It’s the only thing keeping me on the stage.”

“That’s amazing. I would love to have my own business.”

The wistfulness in her voice makes me want to help her dreams come true. Once again, I’m struck on how much I want to help this woman I barely know.

“I can’t wait. We’re waiting for some trademark stuff to come through, and we have to get a couple more inspections, but it’s coming along nicely.”

“I’m glad you’re getting out of it.”

“Me too. What made you get into dancing?”

Her face goes tight, letting me know I stepped on a nerve. She looks down at her hands and fumbles with her fingers.

“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have asked.”

“Why do you hate it so much? I mean, I get you hate the women acting like they own you, but is there more to it?”

I can hear the desperation in wanting to change the subject, so I give it to her. “A couple of reasons really. I had a girlfriend and she couldn’t handle my job even though I promised her I was loyal.”

Emma squeezes my knee again making my dick almost explode. “Ah.”

“And then, I had a stalker. A woman who lived in a fantasy world, and thought we were meant to be together. Her texts and phone calls started to get out of hand, and when I went to the police they didn’t take me seriously. It took her breaking into our house and climbing in my bed for the police to do something.”

“That’s awful, but I kind of get it.” Emma removes her hand.

I almost want to grab it and bring it back, but I don’t. “How’s that?”

“I’ve just had one of your lap dances, and I can totally see why a woman would want you all to herself.” Once again I wish the light was on, because the huskiness in her voice makes me want to see what expression she’s wearing.