I do my job, and I do it fucking well. But when I’m done, I leave to shower the hundreds of perfumes clinging to my skin. I can’t wait until we take over the club, so I won’t have to dance anymore. The thought that we’re almost done stripping is what keeps me going.

It motivates me.

“I’m going to shower.” I finish my beer on my way to the kitchen, tossing it in the recycling. Damien’s laughter follows me down the hallway to my private bathroom.


The hot water feels amazing on my tight muscles, but it doesn’t do anything to relax me. The sight of Emma dressed in her tiny shorts and cut off top is burned in my brain. If I ever lose my memories I hope that one doesn’t vanish. Every time I blink the image of her shiny shorts, tanned legs, breasts straining against the tight material of her top come to mind. My cock hardens to the point it’s painful as it demands attention. I stare down at it in disgust, thinking of the women who go home and finger themselves to the thought of me. Fuck, I’m no better than them.

I ignore my dick as I snap off the shower and dry off before putting lotion on. The three of us are particular with our skin and our bodies. Our bodies are our money makers, so the three of us keep a regimen of body care. We work out every day, and have excellent skin care products. It helps that we’re the Trifecta. We get sent products to test out daily.

Sure, being part of the Trifecta does have its perks.

Thinking of perks, I glance down groaning at the huge bulge punching out my boxer briefs. I climb into bed not paying attention to the engorged monster.

I lay there with my aching dick, doing my best not to address its needs. There will be no sleep for me until I get it to go down, but I refuse to jerk off. I’m better than that. I have to be, or I’m a hypocrite. My mind wanders back to work tonight. All the women pawing at me, rubbing their tits against me. I try to think of the mingling smells of their perfume, but all I can think of is Emma, making my erection impossible to handle.

All the women I picture turn into versions of Emma. The hands pawing me transform into light pink fingernails on dainty hands. The tight dresses turn into sparkly red shorts and barely-there white t-shirts displaying full under boob. I want to forget the light vanilla smell with a hint of sweat, but it’s as if she’s standing in my room, permeating not only my sense of smell, but my whole body with her essence.


I push off my boxer briefs. My eyes squeeze shut as I grab my shaft with one hand, biting down on my bottom lip to keep from groaning too loud.

Emma’s face comes to mind.

Her full plump lips give a devious smile before they stretch over the head of my cock. Her whiskey-colored eyes connect with mine as she moves down my length, taking as much as she can, before they go wide when the tip hits the back of her throat.

My hand goes faster as I picture her mouth moving over me. I imagine her sucking my dick, making her cheeks go hollow. But fuck, it’s not enough.

I keep stroking, imagining her lips all over me. My dick sliding in and out of her pretty lips.

And then I picture her naked. Her full tits in my hands as I slam my cock deep inside her. Ah, fuck. She’s so hot.

I can’t stop the image of her tits as I fuck her on my bed.

My heart hammers inside my chest, the blood in my veins rushing throughout my body at a rapid speed.

I’m close to coming, and the thought of Emma underneath me turns me on more than any woman ever has before.

I want her.


And as I grit my teeth through my orgasm I realize I should not be having a thing for my neighbor.



Is there a certain type of soap I can use to wash away the way Axel studied me tonight? I feel his eyes everywhere.

I’m furious at myself for letting him get to me. I swore off dating men the moment I found out I was pregnant with Felicity. And then, I realized her father was married. Yeah, I know how to pick ‘em.

Anyway, I’m not going to let one gorgeous neighbor ruin my vow to keep my head down. My goal in life is to make as much money as I can so I can open my own yoga studio.

I can’t let anything stand in my way of fulfilling my dreams.

Like a green-eyed sexy man.


I check on Felicity one more time before I climb into bed and kick the covers to the bottom of the bed. The heat pounds against the house, seeping in wherever it can.