Maybe it’ll be nice having eye-candy right next door.

“Are you having a hot flash?” I ask my mom as she continues to fan herself.

“That boy could make any woman have a hot flash. My clothes nearly disintegrated.”

“Who would have guessed my mother’s a pervert?”


“He yelled at Felicity for having fun playing in the sprinklers, in the summer, in Vegas. No, I’m not jealous. I’m furious. The realtor said the neighbors were nice, hard-working people. She didn’t mention the angry man who has no problems yelling at a three-year-old.”

“He didn’t yell that loud.” My mother wiggles her nose.

“Oh, Mom.”

My mother winks as Felicity runs up and takes a swig from her sippy cup before running back into the water. “He apologized. He looked like he meant it. You understand working nights. Give him a break.” She pats my knee. “I’ve seen you be a bear too when you’re tired. He was startled, and he said he thought someone was being murdered. He didn’t run away from a murder scene, instead he ran to the rescue.” She gives me that all-knowing look. Like I should be proud of him or something.

Like he deserves a medal.

“I’m not going to win this with you, am I?”

“Nope, and I don’t think you want to. How long has it been since you’ve been on a date?”

I roll my eyes at the thought of dating. “I’m not going on a date with the neighbor. Can we please drop it?”

“Baby girl, you need to relax. You’ve done so much for us, but now everything’s going as planned.” She wiggles in her seat a little like she’s trying to dance without having to get up. “Have a little fun.”

“I’m having fun.” I cross my arms. A yawn hits me, and I stretch my tired muscles. Like I said, I wasn’t lying to my hot angry neighbor when I told him I work nights too. “I’m going to feed Felicity her snack before going to take a nap. I have to leave for work later.”

I turn off the water as my mom wraps Felicity up in a fluffy pink towel with dolphins on it. We get Felicity all settled in her chair with a snack and my body warms up just thinking about my bed.

I’m so lucky to have my mother here. Working nights would never work without her.

“Why don’t you go lay down? I’ve got her,” my mother says, moving around the kitchen while picking up dishes from Felicity’s breakfast from earlier.

I smile at her magical words, and kiss my daughter on the top of her head. And then, I rush off to my room.

“Oh, and Emma.” I wonder what she’s going to say. The smile in her voice tells me I’m not going to like it. “I’ll make sure Felicity keeps quiet. I know how hard it is to sleep when she’s screaming.”

I shake my head before continuing down the hall. She made her point. Why should I be mad at the neighbor, Axel, when I ask for the same consideration when I nap? My mom’s a smart lady. I guess that’s where I get it from.

I dive under the covers, letting my body melt into the mattress. And I refuse to think of Axel and his intense green eyes, or his stupid muscles.

“All clean.” I pull Felicity out of the tub, inhaling her just washed hair. She giggles. Her little hands come up and squish my cheeks as she kisses me, making my heart melt. Everything I went through to get us to where we are is all worth it because of her. Because of moments like this, with clean hair, and squishy kisses.

“Read Mommy,” she says after she’s tucked into bed. It’s a request I get every night. And I’m so happy I’m able to be here for her. I love this little girl more than I ever thought I could love anything in my life.

Some people think exotic stripping is a disgusting profession, but I’m grateful for it everyday when I get to read my daughter to sleep, and pay for things she wants. Besides, it’s not like I get totally naked either. I’m more of just an exotic dancer. One who gets paid big big bucks to parade around in lingerie and bikinis.

“She just fell asleep,” I say, hitching my duffle bag on my shoulder. I leave early so I can do my hair and make-up at the club to ensure Felicity doesn’t have to see me all dolled up. Thankfully the owner is nice enough to put my stage time later at night, so I can put my daughter to sleep. My mother sips her tea on the couch. I kiss the top of her head when I walk by her. “Have fun tonight. You two don’t get into any trouble.”

“I was planning on inviting our neighbor over.” She lifts her mug up to her face, trying to hide her grin.