Just as I take another bite of my mom’s pasta salad a large hand lands on my thigh. My fork suspends in midair as the pasta jiggles from the sudden halt. My eyes slide over to Axel who’s talking to Damien as if his hand isn’t creeping up my thigh, pushing my sundress along with it.

Damien says something about the club and needing to make sure they get the numbers figured out soon, and Axel nods, agreeing with him.

But, I can’t tell if he’s even paying any attention to anything Damien says, because the corner of his lips lifts into a smile as he pushes past the lace of my panties.

This can’t happen here, even though I want it to.

So badly.

Felicity gets up and runs off into the yard to kick a soccer ball with Ben and Clara. My mother piddles around, clearing plates and taking trash into the kitchen.

“Let me help you with that,” Damien says, standing in a rush to clear his plate.

Axel’s finger brushes between my legs, bringing my attention back to him. He keeps his hand still and the heat from it burns my skin, making me wish we were alone.

I spread my legs a little wider, giving him access to what we both want. Axel smirks as he moves his finger back and forth over my panties. The inside of my legs quiver, yet he doesn’t do anything further.

Ben heads over with Clara and Felicity following closely behind and Axel withdraws his hand, making me miss his touch instantly. “We have to head out. We promised Clara’s dad we would go to a movie with him tonight,” Ben says, grabbing another roll off the table and popping it into his mouth.

Clara smiles, leaning down to say her goodbyes to Felicity. “Thank you so much for all your help. You’re a very important helper.”

Felicity beams at her. “I like you.”

We all laugh and Ben grabs Clara’s hand as they say goodbye once more.

“I’m going to take Felicity home. She needs a bath, and I have a few episodes of Lucifer to watch,” my mother says.

I can’t help but laugh a little. I know my mother has seen every episode of Lucifer. Twice.

She’s doing this on purpose to give me some alone time with Axel. And a small niggling of guilt hits me. “I can give her a bath,” I say.

“You stay here. Finish your food.” She points to my plate that still has over seventy-five percent of my lunch still on it.

“I’ll be home soon.”

Felicity runs by me, giggling as she kicks a ball. “Bye Mom.”

“Hey.” I reach out to snag her, giving her tons of kisses. “You can’t just run by me without giving me some love.”

“Sorry, love you. Bye my superheroes.” With that she takes my mother’s hand and they leave.

“I’m going down to the club early,” Damien says before going into the house, returning with a large duffle bag with the Trifecta’s logo embroidered on it. “See you later tonight.”

Axel and I head into the house after saying goodbye to Damien.

Everyone scattered. And a part of me is left wondering if they all did it on purpose to allow Axel and I some alone time together.

“So,” Axel starts, but I’m too amped up for small talk. He teased me all day, his finger brushing over me with the lightest touch.

It’s my turn now to tease him.

I cross the room.

He puts his hands up as if to ward me off. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have touched you with everyone around. You just drive me crazy, and now that I’ve touched you I don’t think I can stop.”

I raise a brow, but I don’t say a word. Instead, I lower myself to my knees, my eyes never leaving his.

“Oh fuck, what are you doing?” he asks, his voice shaky with lust.

“Something I’ve been wanting to do since I first met you,” I answer before hooking my fingers into the waistband of his gym shorts and bringing them down his legs.

I was right. He’s big. And he’s already hard, and that turns me on even more.

I reach out, grabbing onto his thick shaft and bring my lips to the tip.

His head bows and he rocks forward just a bit to land the palm of his hand onto the wall of the living room. “Emma,” he groans out. “I’ve pictured this a lot.”

My insides heat up at the mention of him thinking about me like this. It urges me on, making me want to give him the blowjobs of blowjobs.

My tongue swirls around the head of his dick and I suck off the tiny bead of precum. And then I smile up at him before wrapping my mouth around him.

We both groan when he hits the back of my throat. My lips are stretched as far as they can go. He’s huge and I love it. I pull my head back sucking until my cheeks hollow, when I reach the tip I swirl my tongue once again around the sensitive head.