I do a quick inventory as she strides over to the fence between us, wishing I can slow down time to take her all in. She’s got long thick blonde hair pulled up into a ponytail. A ponytail I want to release, letting her sexy locks free. She’s wearing tiny pink shorts and a tank top with nothing under it.

Thank you hot Vegas sun.

I’ll admit it, I’m staring hard, wanting to see if her breasts are fake or not. But she moves too fast for me to figure it out.

Her pink nails snap in front of my face getting my attention off her large chest and straight to her face. I groan as I get a good look at her. Her soft-brown eyes spark with anger, making her sexy as hell. Her nose is slightly turned up at the end, and her full lush mouth is turned down into a frown.

A fucking knockout.

“What did you do to my daughter?”

I give myself a mental shake. How pervy can I be? Staring at her, while she holds her crying daughter. The daughter I just yelled at. This is why I need more sleep. I drag my hand through my hair again and focus on the little girl instead of the furious goddess.

“Hey little one. I’m sorry for yelling at you. I was asleep and when you screamed I thought someone was being hurt. I’m sorry.” I wink at her, feeling even lower as her bottom lip trembles.

Her brown eyes assess me with the innocence only a child can have. I haven’t been around a lot of children, but my guess is she’s around three. “Meanie,” she says.

I crack a smile and her mom takes a deep breath, making her tits move with her diaphragm. I refuse to look at them, not wanting to appear even more like a perverted asshole.

“I am a meanie,” I say with a grin. I’d agree with anything she says if it stops her tears.

The little girl keeps staring at me. She reaches out and taps her finger to my nose, “Boop.”

My mouth drops open, and I do the only thing I can think of... I reach out my finger and boop her nose right back. I get a toothy grin and she wiggles out of her mom’s grasp, running back to the sprinklers.

The mother’s white tank top is wet where she was holding her daughter making the material see through. My cock strains against my boxer briefs and I’m glad there’s a fence between us so I don’t look like an even bigger jerk.

“Stop looking at me like that.”

My eyes snap back to hers. “I’m sorry.”

“Is that all you can say?”

She stands there with eyes blazing deep into me and I have a hard time remembering words. And then, as if all the words in my vocabulary come back in a rush, and I ramble, not knowing what else to do. “I’m sorry. Sleeping. I didn’t mean to yell at your daughter. Screaming. Murder. Mayhem.” Ok, now I just sound like an idiot.

And I can tell I sound like an idiot to her as well, because she raises a brow at me.


“Look, I...I’m not…” I clamp my mouth shut.

“Listen, this is a new backyard for her to explore. She’s only three-years-old. Of course, she’s going to scream.”

I take a deep breath, feeling like the anger she’s throwing my way is more than just the fact I yelled at her daughter and maybe something else. Something deeper. “I know that now. I wasn’t aware this house had been bought. I feel awful and I’m sorry.”

“Are we going to have a problem? I can’t have you getting upset at her every time she’s having fun.” She puts her hands on her hips and I trace the movement with my eyes, stopping when I see her pink shorts have ridden up giving me a better glimpse of her tanned legs. “Stop looking at me like that.”

“It’s kind of hard. You’re practically wearing nothing. And you’re probably hands down the hottest woman I’ve ever seen. And your shirt is see through.”

Her eyes go wide as she wraps her arms around herself. All this does is lift her tits higher, making my mouth go dry.

My eyes snap up to the sky and I try to remind my dick to behave. “Listen, I shouldn’t have yelled at your daughter. I promise it won’t happen again. I know it sounds like a cop-out, but I’ve been working a lot the last couple weeks and today was my first day off. I work nights and I’m exhausted. I wasn’t thinking straight. I will buy earplugs if I have to, but I won’t yell at her again. Promise.”

She studies me as if she can read the sincerity on my face.

“I’m Axel, by the way.”

“I’m Emma,” Emma points to her daughter in the sprinklers. “She’s Felicity. And that’s my mom, Janet.” She points at the lady who Felicity first ran to. “I understand being tired. I work nights, too.” Her voice softens and I move my head from the sky back to her. Big mistake, my softening dick is rock hard again. I’m afraid if I move closer to the fence it will pierce a hole in it just to get closer to her.