“Ben is one of the most sought out exotic dancers. He’s part of the Trifecta with his two brothers. They’re triplets and have made a huge name for themselves.”

“I did my share of odd jobs before I made a name for myself.” My dad chuckles while Maureen and her mother seethe next to him.

“But that’s the thing, Ben and his brothers are making a name for themselves. They’re buying the club they work at, and making it their first investment property. I’ve gone over their books and we’ve come up with a game plan that will bring them a large profit in the first couple months.” I don’t know why I’m stating all his accomplishments. “Listen Dad, if he’s not welcomed here, then neither am I.” I take a step, but my father holds me back.

“Why are you looking into their paperwork?”

“Because I realized something. I want to do something for myself. And with them, I can.”

My father beams with pride. “What about your other job?”

“I quit. When I went over to Ben’s house to tell him I quit they hired me on the spot. I’m excited to help them. I feel like I’m able to use what I’m good at. I’m listened to, and I’m doing it by myself without using your name.”

Ben smiles. “Yeah, we knew the minute she started talking about business we had to lock her down. She’s very smart, and I’m very proud of her.”

“I want to be successful because of what I can do and not who my father is.”

My father grimaces for a split second. “I had no idea you felt so adamantly about this.”

Maureen rolls her eyes. “He’s your dad. He wants what’s best for you. I don’t understand why you need to work. It’s just your way of getting more attention.”

“That’s enough,” my father snaps, and Maureen’s eyes fill with tears before she dashes toward the bathroom.

“Look what you did. I’ll go fix this. You three pull yourselves together and no more dramatics. This is Maureen’s day.” My stepmom’s navy-blue nail points at all of us before taking off after Maureen.

“Sorry about the trouble I caused, Charlie.” Ben sighs and rubs the back of his neck.

“It’s Maureen. I figured there would be something to cause her to go into hysterics at least four times tonight. Don’t worry, three more people are going to have her racing toward the bathroom later. You’re just the first.”

“Sir, I’m sorry Maureen brought up my past indiscretions. I would never disrespect Clara like that. I hope you know I have strong feelings for your daughter, and all I want to do is make her happy for as long as she’ll keep me in her life.”

The tips of dad’s ears turn red and I giggle. I guess no matter how old your daughter gets, it’s still hard to hear a man who’s not him is willing to put her best interest first.

“Don’t worry about it. We all have a past. It's how we grow from it that tells us who we are. As long as you keep my daughter happy I see no reason to dwell on your past.”

Ben lets me go, and hugs my dad. They pound each other on the back in some weird man bonding ritual I’ll never understand. When they move apart, they’re both smiling like they came to an understanding.

“If you two are done making out, maybe we can get dinner started. The faster we feed these people the faster I can get out of here,” I say.

“Good idea.” My dad searches for his wife and Maureen. When he spots them coming out of the bathroom he signals the wait staff to serve dinner.

I pick at my food, wishing the courses would hurry up so we can get out of here.

“Do you not like your truffle-glazed steak?” Ben nudges me, getting my attention.

“It’s delicious.” I take a big bite and give him a closed lip smile.

“How many more courses are there?”

“This has to be the last one.” Even though we both know we’re nowhere near done.


The look he gives me is scorching. My hand goes limp, letting the fork slip, banging against the plate. Ben leans in, the smell of his cologne penetrating my senses making it hard to act like I want to be here with clothes on instead of naked and alone with him.

“You have to stop looking at me like that.” His hand lands on my knee. The heat sears into my skin as if there isn’t a barrier between us.

“Like what?” I move my face, so I can whisper in his ear. The soft husky sound of his breath with the feel of his hand creeping up my thigh unravels me.

“Like you want me to take you somewhere and strip you down naked while I kiss every inch of your body. Where you want my fingers, tongue, and cock inside you. Where I make you scream my name while your tight wet pussy clenches around me.”