She doesn’t say anything for a long time, and then she lets out a controlled breath. “Look, this is my job. I need to get back to work.”

“Your shitty job?” I cross my arms over my chest. “You already said you're not happy here ”

She bites her bottom lip. “Well, it's not my dream job,” she whispers, making sure the receptionist can’t see her, “let’s go outside.” Clara leads me into the parking lot, and I follow with my arms in my jeans pockets.

“I want to take you to this wedding.”

Clara shakes her head. “And I’m telling you that I don’t need you to.”

“So, you’re just going to let Maureen fix you up with some asshole?” The anger is strong with me right now. The thought of Clara with some jerk makes me see red.

“I’m going to go alone. I think it’ll be good for me.”

I step closer, removing my arms from my pockets. “I don’t. I think you need me there.”

She steps back. “I don’t need you to save me. I’m a strong, independent woman.”

She’s taking everything I say the wrong way. “I know you are, that’s not what I meant.”

“Just go, Ben. Go back to being the Ben you want to be.” She steps closer to her building. “I have to get back to work.” She opens the door, and turns back to me. “Have fun in your VIP room tonight.”

I don’t say a word. What can I say? Clara thinks I’m an asshole who sleeps around, well fine, that’s exactly what I’ll be.

Chapter 13


“Clara, Mr. Carnet wants to talk to you,” the receptionist, Sarah, says when I come back inside.

“Did he see?” My heart’s still clobbering in my chest at the sight of Ben, and telling him to go away. I mean, he’s only the hottest man I’ve ever laid eyes on before, and I’m still not even sure why I told him to leave.

I want nothing more than for him to take me to Maureen’s wedding, but when I’m around him I lose myself in him.

I lose all coherent thoughts.

Sarah nods, and I bang my head on the counter in frustration. “You better hurry. He seems angry.”

“Of course he is. Why are there men on this planet? The world would be so much easier without them.”

“But then there wouldn’t be penises.”

“Sarah, when did you become a penis deviant?”

“I’ve always been like this but you’re the head of HR. You’re not going to get me in trouble for the penis thing are you?”

I laugh when she whispers penis which I didn’t think was possible to do after she told me my boss wanted to see me.

“You’ll be safe. I think it’s me who’s in trouble.”

“Trouble with work, or trouble with that gorgeous playboy slobbering all over you?”

“I think both.”

“Well, if I were you I’d be happy to be in trouble with him. He’s one of the Trifectas isn’t he?”

“How did you know?” I’m sure I don’t want to know the answer.

“We went to Big Willie’s for my best friend’s birthday. I hear he’s quite the bad boy. Didn’t know he made house calls, or well, work calls.”

“I better not keep Mr. Carnet waiting.” I rap my knuckles on the counter, shooting her a fake smile.

“Good luck. Oh, and Clara?” she asks.

“Yes.” I glance at her over my shoulder.

“Could you possibly introduce me to the Trifecta?”

I roll my eyes, walking through the double doors to speak with my boss.

“Sarah said you wanted to see me,” I say as I enter his office.

“Please come in and shut the door.” He smiles at me behind the most ridiculous mustache known to man. Like he would put Sam Elliott to shame. The fluorescents hanging in his office do nothing to dim the glare off his bald head.

After I do as he asks, I sit down and put on my most innocent expression. “What is it you wanted to talk to me about?”

He rubs his neck before speaking, “Clara, you’ve been an exceptional employee and I wouldn’t be surprised if you were promoted by the end of the year.” Bullshit, they've been dangling a promotion in my face for over a year.


“That was that Trifecta boy you were with in the parking lot today, right?”

I blink. Does he attend the shows? How does he know who the Trifecta are? “Yes, sir.”

“So what? You’re dating him or something?” Mr. Carnet asks.

I straighten my blouse. “Uh, that’s really none of your business.” I can’t believe I’m taking this tone with my boss, but why is he asking me this? And why would he think Ben’s my boyfriend?

“Did you ever get me the Morrison file?”

Um, did he ever ask for it? “Uh, no sir. Did you need it?”

“Clara, this is the third time I’ve had to ask you for things today. But, it’s not just that, the past few months you’ve been performing poorly at your job.”