“He already has, little fox,” I told her with a kiss.

But not softened all the way through. I turn to regard Levanter House, my expression hardening. I’m about to go up against the Ironclad Archduke.

I make my way slowly up the steps to the front door, leaning heavily on my cane, and then use it to rap on the glossy wood.

I’m shown up to the Archduke Levanter’s office, where he greets me with narrowed eyes, and then falls silent.

He knows why I’m here, but he’s still going to make me say it.

“Give us a marriage certificate or we’ll elope to France. Your Grace,” I add as an afterthought.

Levanter glares at me for a long, tense moment, and then sits down at his desk and pulls open a drawer. “This wouldn’t have happened in my day. Everyone’s lost their heads since the restoration of King Anson.”

With angry flicks of his pen, he begins filling out what I think, hope, is a marriage license. “You’re doing it?”

“The King won’t stop talking about you and Lady Sachelle and how thrilled he is that the two of you are engaged. I haven’t got much choice, Rasmussen.” He glances up at me as he writes. “You’re not Duke Balzac’s first choice, I hope you know. Not even close.”

A Rugova would never have been his first choice for a wife. General Lungren’s own son was not his idea of a son-in-law. None of us could have predicted the things that have been happening in Paravel.

“Good thing I’m marrying his daughter and not him.”


“Congratulations on the baby, by the way.”

Levanter looks up sharply. “How did you know about that? The Archduchess and I haven’t made any announcement.”

“I figured it out when I was helping you wife out of the bombsite.”

The tension in the Archduke’s shoulders suddenly eases. “Thank you for protecting her,” he says in a softer tone. “Every time I see the wreckage at the palace, I’m reminded how close I came to losing everything all over again.”

For a moment, his expression is inward and grim. He finishes writing, and then comes toward me with the license held in his hand.

“I never said it before, but thank you for trying to save my brothers. You put your life on the line for people who needed you. You seem to do that a lot.”

He glances at my shoulder, where the bullet wound is concealed by my clothes. The bullet I took trying to rescue them that shattered the dove’s wing on my chest.

“I would have saved them if I could,” I say, noticing the bitter expression on his face.

“I know. If I regret anything, it’s that I was locked up and could do nothing myself.”

“You’re free, you have a beautiful wife, and you’re going to be a father. Think of them as you’re handing that paper over. I wouldn’t like any more back luck.”

His mouth quirks as he holds out the license. “I didn’t know you were superstitious.”

“More like I don’t want to tempt fate.” I gaze at my name and Sachelle’s written together. How perfect they look. “Thank you, Your Grace.”

He clears his throat. “Yes. Well. Do your best by the young woman. I wouldn’t like to regret signing that. What’s happening with those bastards who blew up the palace?”

I’m still gazing at the license and it takes me a moment to answer. “The leader has nearly recovered from being shot in the back and will face trial in several months’ time. So will his accomplice, and several others of their group who were caught trying to break into the City Guard station while the palace was burning.”

Briar’s been released from the jail. New laws are being passed that will allow her to hold as many placards and shout on as many streets as she wishes, if she feels the need. Seeing as that’s what she was shouting about in the first place, I expect she’ll find a new pastime. Sachelle tells me she’s moved back home with her parents, who welcomed her with open arms.

“I hear the City Guard is being disbanded. What are you going to do now?” Levanter asks.

That’s another new change. The government decided, and the King agreed, that the City Guard was well and good for the post-Varga period, but now there should be a police force that answers to the government, not the King, which means I’m out of a job.

I smile as I tuck the marriage license into my jacket pocket. “I’m going to get married, of course. See you at the wedding, Your Grace.”

From Levanter House, I drive the short distance to Balzac House. The Duke and Duchess are expecting me, and I’m sure they know why I’m coming. Sachelle’s told me that they hoped that now that the danger to her has passed she’ll come to her senses and call off our engagement. Today I’m going to crush those hopes, once and for all.