Page 32 of The Mesmerized

“Well, maybe it’s because we want to actually find out what’s happening to the rest of the world and our families!”

Minji lowered her head as she recognized what was happening. Arthur was upset over not being able to help his family and directing that frustration at her. Minji’s family was with her and possibly savable. Where was Arthur’s? Were they safe? She could understand his distress, but she didn’t want to be the brunt of it. Wearily, she closed her eyes and pressed her lips against Bailey’s soft hair.

“Leave her alone, Arthur!”

“Did she even ask you about your family? Or mine? We’re stuck here and they’re back home and who knows what’s happening to them? My ex-wife and kids need me and I’m not there!”

“Fine. We get it,” a male voice said, startling them all. “The whole world is falling apart, but you’re not the only one hurting.”

Twisting around, Minji saw a young man with the features and coloring of the Native American tribes living in the area. His dark hair was skimmed from his face and into a tight braid that was looped over one shoulder. Clad in jeans, a brown t-shirt under a weather-beaten leather jacket, and motorcycle boots, he held a helmet in one hand and a leather backpack in the other.

Arthur fell silent in surprise.

“I see I’m not the only one still walking and talking. That’s a good sign,” the man continued. Tossing the helmet and backpack onto a chair, he swiftly walked over to Jake. “This poor fellow isn’t, I see.”

“That’s my husband,” Minji said.

“And you are?” The man looked at them with keen black eyes.

“First tell us who you are,” Simone shot back, clearly unnerved by the man’s rougher appearance.

“Jesse Martin,” came the answer. “I’m a nurse practitioner and I work here.”

“I’m Minji, Jesse. I am so glad to see you.” Tears filled her eyes, obscuring her view of the man carefully examining her husband.

“You weren’t here when we got here,” Arthur blurted out.

“No, I wasn’t. I was at home, asleep, on my day off, then I heard a sound that made me think the world was coming to an end. I walked outside and there was a plane sitting where the elementary school used to be. Well, parts of the plane. And then I saw them...” Jesse stared outside for a moment. “I tried calling my family, my girlfriend, friends, and work. I couldn’t get through on my landline or my cellphone. The plane took out all the utility poles in my neighborhood, so I couldn’t check the television.” Jesse continued his examination of Jake. Minji was relieved to see how gentle his touch was as he studied Jake’s legs. Casting a look past them, he said, “Now I’m glad I didn’t get any television reception. I would have been tempted to stay home.”

Simultaneously, they all glanced toward the big screen and the death and destruction it revealed.

Arthur pointed at Jesse accusingly. “It’s your job to help people.”

“Exactly. That’s why I got on my bike and came into work even though I was scared shitless. Seriously, I was starting to wonder if anyone was like me.”

“Immune?” Simone asked.

“Yeah.” Jesse hesitated. “Were you here on the strip when it happened?”

Simone relayed their story while Jesse listened, the furrow between his dark eyebrows deepening.

“Well, help me get Jake into the examination room. I’ll do my best for him. I also need to check on our other patients.”

“What’s it like?” Arthur ventured to ask. “Out there? Past the strip?”

Minji raised her eyes in time to see Jesse cringe. Rubbing the back of his neck with one leather-gloved hand, Jesse took a deep breath. “Honestly, it’s like the end of the world. Bad. Really bad. And it’s going to get worse.”

“Why?” Simone took a step toward him. “Why would you say that?”

“Because every person in Las Vegas is walking into the desert. And they’re going to die out there.”

Chapter 16

Minji held the water bottle to Ava’s lips. “Drink, Ava.”

The little girl didn’t respond, lips twitching into odd configurations as weird sounds struggled to escape her throat.

With a sigh, Minji leaned forward, pressing a damp hand to her forehead. The coolness was refreshing against her warm skin. She was weary of listening to the television, but Simone and Arthur were riveted by the news. Casting a hopeful look at the double doors that opened to the examination rooms, offices, and the elevator banks, Minji waited for Jesse to return with news about Jake’s condition. After moving the bodies of the deceased cluttering the hallway, Jesse and Arthur had wheeled Jake into the nearest examination room. It was a relief to know that Jake was now under medical care, but it was difficult waiting to hear about the prognosis on his injuries and recovery.