If you have had contact with them, please let me know their current location and if they need assistance. I shall endeavor to join them as soon as my Mistress permits it.


Father Ignatius

May 12, 1820

Dear Father Ignatius,

I hope this letter finds you safe and sound in the lovely arms of the Immortal Beloved. Please send your gracious and most beautiful Mistress my love.

As for Count Vlad Dracula and his wife, Glynis, I have not seen a word from his noble hand. I suppose I should assume they have returned to their estate in the Carpathian Mountains.

Will you be returning to Buda soon? If so, be aware that the vampire hunters have murdered quite a few of your brethren as well as suspected innocents. You may not desire to be too hasty in your return.

You friend,


Chapter 2

The Journal of Countess Dracula

May 8, 1820

The Golden Krone Hotel, Bistri?a

I am tormented in the aftermath of the horrors that engulfed my mind as I lay sleeping. I have dreamt of Vlad before, but as I slumbered during the hours of the day I suffered the most vivid nightmare. Though I am loath to put to paper what I endured, I recognize that I must be aware of dark powers at work. By documenting this terrible nightmare, I shall have a written record of the event. Should it be nothing more than my mind deceiving me as I sleep, than I shall be quite relieved. But if it is an ill omen of Vlad Dracula rising from his tomb. . .

The dream began as many do. I thought I had awakened in my darkened hotel room, the bedcovers pulled up to my chin. The shuttered windows l

et in not one sliver of light and in my stupor it took a few moments for my eyes to accustom to the darkness.

Pushing down my covers, I let the cool air brush over my face and neck. It was a sensuous feeling as I rolled onto my side, tucking my hand under the pillows. The silk coverlet bundled around my waist as I lay quietly, listening to the sounds of the humans in the street below.

I could imagine them bustling about, hurrying on errands, working, chatting, laughing, and doing the sort of tasks mortal men and women occupy their time with during the daylight hours. In the distance, I heard a baby crying and a mother crooning to soothe the infant’s ill temper. Horses neighed and carriages creaked as they carried their passengers and wares to unknown destinations. I imagined myself out in the sun, looking up at the white clouds skimming across pale blue skies as birds took flight. In my fanciful notion, I added Ignatius at my side, his rare smile making me laugh.

A hand slid over my waist.

I gasped in surprise. I attempted to sit up, but was restrained. A firm, broad chest pressed against my back as I felt cool lips trail up my neck to nestle against my red hair. Twisting about, I could make out a dark shape in the bed beside me. Dark, long hair fell over my body like a curtain as a bare leg, thick with muscle, thrust between my thighs.

I flailed as my hands sought to break the iron grip around my waist. With a growl of passion, my attacker licked my throat. I gasped as my fingers traced over the large hand pressed under my breasts. I felt the outline of the signet ring of Vlad Dracula.

His distinct laugh filled the room as he bit into my throat. I felt my blood gushing into his demanding mouth. The pleasure of his bite elicited a moan from my lips as I felt his power overwhelming my senses. I wrapped my fingers around his, attempting to pry them free of my flesh. I struggled to escape him, but he pinned me with horrific ease. His fingers twisted in my hair as he licked my throat.

“Release me,” he whispered. “Release me, and I shall have mercy on you. ”

“No,” I gasped, my fingers trembling as I gripped at his hand.

My body was my betrayer. He was my first. The one who taught me pleasures of the flesh. The first to ever fill me and make me writhe with desire. My blood was his blood and it made me whimper as his hand slid down between my thighs.

“Release me, and I shall be yours. And you shall be mine. ”


I awoke, thrashing in the bed, my arms and legs fighting against a phantom. I was alone in my bed, my room dark. Faint sunlight crept around the edges of the shutters only to be caught in the thick curtains. The weak illumination revealed a room just as I had left it the night before. My bedclothes were strewn about the bed and my nightgown was tangled around my waist.

My body raged with dark arousal, begging for release.