At last, I lay down with Laura in my bed and held her close as we prepared to sleep through the day. Holding my new vampire fledgling, I longed for Ignatius. As I fumbled my way through this treacherous world, I was making mistakes that I feared could be the end of all of us. If only Vlad had been a true Master and taught me about the world of the vampires, my powers, and how to exist among the supernaturals of the city. Instead, he had used me to suit his own selfish needs and now I was adrift. If Ignatius would return at least he could guide me. I must not fail Laura as Vlad failed me.

As I drifted off to sleep, a thought flitted through my mind that was comforting, yet terrifying.

I am now a mother.


“What is this?”

The voice was a howl of despair and it roused me from my slumber. Forcing open my eyes, I saw Csilla standing over the bed. Her beautiful refined features were twisted into an angry scowl. She staggered back from the bed as if she had been struck.

Instinctively, I knew the sun was high in the sky and could feel its power dragging at my limbs. With great effort, I lifted myself up by my elbow, and I stared at her inquisitively. She must have slipped into my bedroom when she realized Adem was not guarding the door.

“Why are you here, Csilla?” I asked, my voice thick with sleep.

“I heard the news of Sir Stephan’s demise! The entire city is in an uproar. ” She gripped the back of the chair set next to my mirrorless vanity and steadied herself. Face flushed with emotion, she looked disheveled and a bit wild. Tangled curls of dark hair fell around her shoulders and over her heaving chest. Clad only in her dressing gown, she was too pale and appeared sickly.

I did not answer her, but waited for her to continue. Laura lay beside me, deeply asleep. There was no hiding her new nature from the baroness.

Thrusting out an accusing finger, she continued, “I also heard that his daughter was found alive in the mausoleum, screaming for help, by our own dear Percy! That her illness had only rendered her senseless and not truly dead. The city is abuzz with the tragedy and the terrible ordeal poor Laura endured! Poor sweet angel returned to life only to discover her parents are dead!”

I glanced over my shoulder at Laura. “I was going to speak with you tonight when I rose. ”

“You do love her more!” Csilla sobbed, tears coursing down her cheeks. “You love her more! You brought her back and butchered her parents so they could not interfere!”

Sliding out of the bed, I set my bare feet against the cold floor and regarded Csilla with barely contained anger. I was sick of the games we played with each other, yet I needed her to remain alive for a bit longer. Should she die so quickly after Sir Stephan, I was afraid that even more suspicion would be cast upon me and Laura.

“Their deaths were unexpected. ” I almost blurted out the truth of Laura’s accidental rising, but realized this would be a serious mistake. Watching my tongue, I fashioned my response. “Laura rose earlier than expected. She killed them, but she has now regained her senses. ”

Tears flowed down Csilla’s cheeks as she gazed at us. “I want to please you, but you turn me away for her! Why her?”

“She was dying. ” I stood and took hold of Csilla’s cold, damp hands. The life in her was slowly draining away and she would soon join Sir Stephan in the world beyond life. “I had to make a choice. She will be our sister. ”

Csilla continued to sob, a heart wrenching sound. Her black eyes rested upon my face as her fingers tightened around mine. “I am sorry for my outburst, but I am stricken with the thought of displeasing you in anyway. ”

“You please me, Csilla. With your hospitality and your friendship. ” I gently touched her soft dark hair with one hand. “All will be well. This was merely an unexpected development. ”

Looking toward Laura, Csilla said, “I could arrange for the suite next to this one to be freshened up. She could move there. ”

“Jealousy cannot abide in the House of Dracula,” I said firmly.

“She is your Bride and I am merely your human hostess,” she spat out.

“There are many Brides of Dracula,” I reminded her.

“But you are the one he wants. ” Yanking her hands from mine, she turned away. “I am twisted inside. I feel torn apart whenever I sleep. Why will you not grant me the final kiss?'

“Csilla, it will happen in time. As I take your life and you weaken, the doorway to your new existence is opening. I cannot make you into what I am until you die. ”

“Then kill me quicker!” Csilla spun about. “Kill me quicker so the dreams may cease and I will be with you. ”

Despite my drowsy condition, my mind grasped her words as a threat. “What are you dreaming?”

Her fingers clutched my shoulders as she drew uncomfortably close to me. “I dream of him. Of Vlad. He calls to me out of the darkness. ” Her voice dropped into hushed tones. “He tells me all is forgiven if I will obey him. ”

I swallowed hard against the constriction of my throat. “What does he ask of you?”

Csilla’s fingertips traced over my collarbone to my throat. They fluttered there like butterflies against my skin. Her mouth was so near to mine, I could feel her warm breath when she spoke. Beneath her lowered lashes, her dark eyes were dangerous and seductive. “To bring you to him. ”