She bit her bottom lip, nodding. “That is what I told him. ”

“I don’t want her to die, Maria. ” I felt close to tears and moved to face the fireplace. The flames were high, making the room almost too warm.

After several long minutes, I heard Maria slide to her feet. “I need to tend to some matters. I shall return shortly. ”

“I will watch over her,” I promised. I guessed that the mortal woman needed to use the privy. She had been at her daughter’s side for hours before I arrived.

The door closed very quietly behind her.

Sitting at Laura’s side, I took her limp hand in my own. It felt very hot and moist. Her fever had returned. With a soft cry, I began to weep. I could not repress myself any longer. I loved her so, but I felt worthless. I had thought of binding her to me as I had done with Magda, but Adem warned that the old and the sick sometimes died and became mindless creatures upon rising. He was convinced there was more to the vampire ritual, but he was not certain how it was performed.

“Is it the bite?” I sobbed to the emptiness of the room. “Is it?”

Should I bite her and hope that it would bring her forth from the grave?

Her terrible cough began again. I hastened to help her sit up so she would not choke. Holding a cloth to her mouth, I felt her body shuddering with the violence of the hacking cough. At last, she was done and slumped in my arms. Her eyes were slightly open, but I knew she did not see me. She was not truly awake, but in a twilight world. It frightened me almost as much as the blood staining the cloth.

Leaning over her, I wept ever harder, tears flowing down my cheeks. I whispered her name like a litany, lost in my emotions. My bloodied tears fell onto her lips and I reached for my handkerchief to wipe them away. I was so overwhelmed by grief, I did not hear the door open behind me.

“Countess Dracula?”

Percy’s voice.

Gasping, I quickly wiped at Laura’s mouth and face, erasing the traces of my tears.

“Glynis?” His voice was softer as his hands touched my shoulders.

I quickly rubbed the handkerchief over my face.

“She is coughing blood,” he said in a sorrowful tone. “Let me help you. ”

Pulling me about, he used his own silk handkerchief to clean my face. I was confused by his lack of surprise at my blood streaked face, but then I realized he most likely believed I had been spattered by Laura’s blood as she coughed. His hands were tender and careful as he gently dabbed away the blood. I restrained myself from crying and allowed him to sit me down. Kneeling before me, he took my hands in his own. In silence, he kissed my palms then rested his forehead against them.

“You’re so cold, Glynis. You have not been taking care of yourself. ”

“I stay at night so her mother may sleep. ” I had been so obsessed with Laura’s care, I knew I had been neglecting myself. I only fed because Adem insisted every night.

Rising, Percy moved to Laura’s side. Taking her hand, he held it to his chest. His blue eyes were full of tears. “I only heard the news tonight when I arrived. I am grateful the snowstorm weakened long enough for me to return. I would not want Laura to leave this world without seeing her one last time. ”

I covered my face with my hands, struggling to restrain my tears.

Percy came to me immediately and enfolded me in his arms. “Glynis, I’m so sorry! I did not mean to make you cry!” He held me as I wept piteously. I knew my face was streaked with blood, but could not contain myself. After a few long minutes, he tucked his fingers under my chin and raised my face. I tried to pull away, but he saw the blood tears staining my cheeks. Shocked, he released his grip and staggered back from me.

“Do not look at me!” I cried out.

“You’re ill,” he gasped.

He gripped my shoulder and spun me about. Seizing my arms he gazed down into my face with an expression I could not fathom. Then, to my surprise, he clutched me close to him, his fingers tangled in my hair. He held me against his chest as though he were attempting to protect me from all the ills in the world. My fingers gripped his coat as I collapsed into his embrace.

“Oh, Glynis. Darling, Glynis,” he murmured. He set his cheek upon my head and held me with a father’s gentleness.

At last we dried our tears. Together we returned to Laura’s beside, sitting across from each other, each taking hold of her hands.

“I knew you suffered a condition,” Percy said in a low voice. “The aversion to sunlight, the pale complexion, the difficulty eating. . . ”

I lifted my eyes to gaze upon him. I felt a pang of fear. Percy had been far more observant than I had realized.

Gently rubbing Laura’s fingers, he met my gaze. “You hide it well. I do not believe that anyone else even noted the symptoms of your condition. I am just an observant man. It is an asset in business. ”