I was startled by her words and their implication. Then I comforted myself with the thought she would never be a vampire and I would soon be done with her.

Brice appeared at the open door. “Madam, Sir Stephan is here to see you. ” His clipped tones and pale face worried me. I had hardly exchanged a word with him since my arrival at the palace. He was elusive and I feared he believed I was in consort with the Baroness.

“Bring him in,” Csilla said, gesturing with one hand. Sitting up, she drew her robe tighter about her and fussed with her shawl.

Sir Stephan entered the room and was clearly startled by her appearance.

“I am not feeling well today. Forgive my attire,” she said, beckoning him to a chair next to her.

Sitting down, he set his case upon his knees and regarded us with some trepidation. “Baroness, I am concerned. The papers you asked me to draw up and your appearance compel me to wonder whether you are in good health. ”

Csilla smiled at him sensually and her gaze flicked toward me briefly. “I am well enough to know that should I die my dear Countess should inherit my worldly goods. I have no children, no husband, no family. At least no family beyond the countess. ”

Sir Stephan’s eyes narrowed upon me. “I see. ”

“Vlad rewards loyalty. ” I returned his gaze pointedly. I knew that both the baroness and Sir Stephan had served Vlad in hopes of one day being his eternal servants. They both longed for immortality.

Sir Stephan regarded both of us for a long moment before opening his case and fussing with the paperwork within. “I am well aware of our Master’s demands. Hopefully, he will see that I have done all he has desired and that my obedience to you will be a reflection of my loyalty to him. ”

I wanted to feel more triumphant in the minutes that followed, but I felt a strange emptiness fill me. As the Baroness Dosza signed the documents that would make me the sole inheritor of her fortune, effectively signing her own death warrant, I thought of my family, long deceased and gone from this world, and wondered if I would feel satisfaction when I killed her.

When she finished signing the last of the paperwork, she turned to me and kissed me on both cheeks. Pressing her forehead to mine, she clutched my hands tightly. “I will do all you desire for eternity. ”

I gently stroked her hair, compelling her to lay her head upon my shoulder and not kiss me in a manner that would cause me discomfort. She obeyed, content in her decision and the execution of it. I watched Sir Stephan tuck away the papers, his hands slightly trembling.

“What are your thoughts?” My voice sounded harsher than I desired.

Sir Stephan snapped his case shut and beheld me with misty eyes. “I wonder what will be the price I pay for my own immortality. ”

I was surprised by his words and had no answer for him. He obviously took this as an ominous sign for his hands began to shake.

“I do not want to give up my only child to you! It is enough that Maria and I stand aside and allow you to befriend her. Your influence upon her frightens us. We merely want her to marry and be happy. Is that too much to ask? Let the price of our immortality be anything other than our only living child, Countess Dracula. ”

I stared at him aghast. “I have no desire for her life! She is truly my friend! I would never hurt her!”

“Truly?” He was clearly surprised by my answer.

“Yes. Of course!”

“Then what will be our price?” Confusion filled his features as he sat with his case upon his bony knees staring at me with fear.

“That is for Vlad to decide,” I answered. My anger against him and Maria was in no way assuaged, yet I could not bear to do anything against them for fear of hurting Laura. The bastard was saved by my devotion to his daughter.

Slowly his shoulders relaxed as he gazed at me with a mixture of relief and lingering fear. “I suppose that is all I could hope for. ”

“Vlad honors loyalty. ” Csilla smiled with contentment now that she believed her future as a vampire was secure.

“Yes, he does. ” Sir Stephan stood, bowed, and moved toward the door. “If you should see him soon, please send him my warm regards. ”

“Good night, Sir Stephan. ” I watched him depart then turned to Csilla. Smiling blissfully at me, she turned her head, baring her neck. In triumph, I bit into her throat and fed.

Chapter 24

The Journal of Countess Dracula

November 21, 1820

The Dosza Palace, Buda