Astir tilted her head and smirked. “I sought you out to warn you. ”

“Of what?” Adem’s voice was a bit harsh.

I saw the dark eyes of his wife glanced at him briefly from across the room where she was gazing at a dress. Katya crept closer to Astir and me, curious.

“Once the snow begins to fall, your world shall start to crumble. Be warned not to do anything hasty or foolish. ” Astir’s voice was quiet and ominous.

Rage filled me as I stared up at the fallen angel. “How dare you come and interrupt my life to say such a thing. All you do is warn and threaten me. Have I not done all you desired?”

“I’m afraid it has all been for naught,” Astir lamented “for all I see around you is death. ”

“Damn you,” I whispered in a ragged voice. “Damn you. ”

“When the snow starts to fall. . . ” Lady Astir trailed off and she sighed sadly.

“Countess, we should go!” Maria called out from the front of the store. “It is beginning to snow!”

Astir gasped, her fingers covering her mouth. “Oh, dear. ”

Furious, I stomped after Maria and out of the store.

The Journal of Countess Dracula

November 11, 1820

The Dosza Palace

The snow swirled and danced outside the windows as Adem slashed at me with the dagger. Our blades clanked together as I defended myself, then twirled away from him.

“Your concentration is off,” Adem scolded.

“Astir’s warning perturbed me!” I attacked, my blade flashing as I aggressively forced him back toward the enormous fireplace in the ballroom. It was the only room that we could effectively practice our fighting skills now that the snow was falling. The cascading snowflakes had not stopped since the snow began several nights before.

“Which was her intention,” Adem said, effectively deflecting my blows.

Clutching my daggers in both hands, I circled him slowly. My hair fell loose around my shoulders as I moved. “Why must she aggravate me so?”

“She has her own ways, as we both know. She does as she wills. ” Adem darted forward. I stepped to one side and shoved him off balance. He tumbled a few feet, then, groaning, sat up. “You’re paying attention. Good. ” He set his blades aside to rub his bruised ribs.

Looking down at the knives, I felt angry at the lack of my reflection. The blades glinted in the candlelight, empty of my countenance. “I am so tired of feeling so utterly helpless. I should be able to live my own life and do as I please!” I stomped my foot with frustration.

Sitting upon the floor, Adem rested his hands against his knees and peered up at me. “I agree, but life is not always so easy. Astir’s warning should not be taken frivolously. I know I did not heed her when she warned me that one day I would regret saving Saadat’s life. ”

“Do you regret it?”

Adem sighed, shaking his head. “No. Not truly. I would not be here with you, with Magda, if not for the choice I made to save Saadat. ”

“What are you going to do about your marriage to her?”

Adem ran his hand over his long curls and resignedly shrugged. “Nothing. I spoke with her about Magda and she said she does not care what I do. ”

“And what did Magda say?”

“I have not told her yet. ”

“Why not?”

“Because I do not know what I can offer her. I am here because Astir allows it. Should she decide you are no longer in her favor, she will summon me to the haven and I will have to obey. I could not ask Magda to follow me there. I do not even know if Astir would allow it. ”