“I am not a threat to you. I swear it. ”

Ilinca’s expression was somber as she gently stroked my cheek. I could feel her power slipping over my skin, seizing hold of me. I did not fight, but was submissive. “You still have your secrets, but they do not concern us. ” The delicate touch of her power receded and she stepped back. “I shall inform Gavril. ”

“About Ignatius. . . ” I dared to say.

Ilinca’s smile returned. “As I said, I know how it is to love someone that is forbidden. ” With one last touch of her hand against my cheek, she left me to rejoin the party.

I watched her walk to a tall imposing figure wearing a golden mask fashioned to resemble the sun. Despite the distance between us, I could see that his hair was as dark as his sister’s and his eyes were also different colors: one blue, one green. Gavril stared at me for a long moment, then turned his attention to his petite sister as she joined him. He leaned his long form over her and touched her lips lightly with his fingers. Watching them, I felt disturbed and afraid. Ilinca cast one more smile in my direction, then the two of them strode into the depths of the crowd.

Overwhelmed, I fled to my rooms and did not return to the ball.

Chapter 23

The Journal of Countess Dracula

November 7, 1820

The Dosza Palace

Since the ball, I have kept to the Dosza Palace, feeding off Csilla and my guards to sustain myself. I refused all visitors, claiming illness. I lay in bed, anxious and afraid, unable to calm myself.

At last, I realized I was being foolish and that no good would come of sequestering myself. Csilla already looks quite drawn by my drinks from her throat.

When I received an invitation from Laura to join her on a shopping expedition to Váci Street, I decided I was done with languishing in my rooms. If Ilinca and Gavril decide to kill me, I will not be able to stop them.

“Oh, how I wish you hadn’t become ill at the ball. Though Percy was a darling, I had to put up with that terrible Dietrich all night,” Laura exclaimed. We trailed behind her mother through the crowd, Adem walking a discreet, but watchful distance behind us.

The street lamps flickered as shoppers hurried about hoping to make their purchases before the shops closed. Other people strolled to the cafes and restaurants along the street. A few street performers were still out, braving the growing cold of the night. The first snowfall of the year had yet to occur, but the sky was heavy with ominous clouds and the wind was biting.

My wool coat with its thick fur cuffs and collar kept the chill from seeping into my flesh, but Laura’s shivering form and red cheeks proved that the purchase of a new coat for her was greatly needed. Maria rushed us along to the shop where Pelisse coats were for sale. My own was a deep navy with thick black fur and silver buttons. I rather liked the styling that was reminiscent of a military uniform.

“I’m so sorry. Didn’t Percy assist you in dealing with Dietrich?”

We kept our voices down as we followed Maria through the throng of shoppers. She obviously did not approve of me joining them on this late shopping expedition. Laura had insisted on waiting for me. Maria didn’t understand why Laura wanted my approval on the purchase. I thought she actually wanted some company other than her mother, but I was happy to offer my opinion.

“Yes, of course, he did. He’s such a sweet man, but father kept chasing him off. Dietrich is insisting on asking for my hand in marriage at Christmas. ” Laura’s eyes flashed with her anger. “I already told him not to ask for I shall say no. But he is convinced I shall change my mind. Honestly, he frightens me. He attempted to kiss me again and offered to sneak through my window at night. ”

“Have you told your father?” I felt outrage at Dietrich’s actions.

Laura shook her head in dismally. “He only says I am trying to be difficult. ”

Maria ushered us into the warmth of the small boutique. Her dark eyes studied our faces with curiosity, but we both smiled at her, wiping away our tense expressions. “Hurry along! The shop will close soon. ”

Adem entered after us and lingered near the door. Maria gave him a worried expression, but quickly forgot him as she drove us deeper into the store filled with the latest fashions. The shopkeeper had been notified of our visit and already several coats had been set aside for Laura to try on. We dropped the subject of Dietrich as she excitedly studied the selections. I had been to the shop before and was impressed by the coats and dresses their seamstresses created. Unlike most shops, this one had clothing already made that was altered to fit the customer. Two coats fit her with no alterations needed whatsoever, which thrilled her. We were both keen on a light blue coat with soft white fur on the collar, but Maria was adamant about a rose colored one with brown fur.

“It matches your hair, Laura,” Maria said.

“Her hair will blend into the fur. The white will be a nice contrast. ” I smiled at Maria sweetly. “Don’t you think?”

Maria sniffed and fussed with the coat she selected.

Laura sighed and leaned close to me. “She doesn’t like it because you do. ”

I pointed at the coat Laura desired. “I will purchase that coat as a gift. Please wrap it. ”

“Countess Dracula!” Maria gasped.

“It is my pleasure. Truly. ” I gave her a wide, earnest smile and ignored her protests as I drew out my purse.