“I am a person of some intelligence. ”

“Yes, and sometimes that is what frightens me. What does go on in that head of yours?” Regarding me thoughtfully, his face took on a grave expression.

“All sort of plots,” I admitted. “And thoughts about you. ”

My words returned his smile and he reached out to touch my cheek affectionately. Above his head, I saw Magda’s lips turn up slightly as she lifted a jug of warm water to pour over Ignatius.

My lover appreciated the bath so much that he only pulled himself from the tub when the water grew cold. Magda left us so he could dress. As she closed the door, she gave me such a sweet smile it warmed my heart.

I could not help but watch Ignatius as he dressed. I wanted to savor the vision of him within my room and a pang of sorrow slipped through me as I realized how short our time together had been. I was mesmerized by his every movement. I loved the way his hair fell about his face and how his muscles moved beneath his pale skin. When he saw me observing him, his smirk of amusement made me giggle.

“Enjoying yourself?”

“Immensely. ” I was tempted to drag him back to my bed, but I could see the growing tension in his posture and knew he would be leaving soon. Instead of seducing him, I helped him button his shirt and waistcoat before arranging the cravat around his neck. Every piece of his clothing was black. “You look rather morose. ”

“Every bit of camouflage is necessary when dealing with the spies of Gavril. ”

“You do look handsome. ”

“I’m glad it pleases you. ” His kiss was passionately loving.

“You always please me. ” Again, sorrow stabbed deep within me and I forced myself to smile.

A soft knock on the door made me shiver and I called out, “Yes?”

“Lady Astir is here,” Adem answered.

“It is time for me to depart. ” Ignatius plucked his tall hat off my vanity and sighed.

I took him in my arms and rested my head against his chest. His heart was stilled. He had not fed, nor had I. We were cold dead creatures. Yet, we loved each other and when we kissed our passion was alive and warm.

Together we stepped out into my sitting room where Lady Astir was seated on my blue couch. Clad in an ivory gown with thick, ornate gold embroidery, she was quite the sight. Her golden hair was twisted and braided into an ornate style beneath her fashionable hat adorned with large ivory bows and gold feathers.

“Lady Astir,” Ignatius said, bowing slightly. He was obviously not surprised by the fallen angel’s change in gender.

“Father Ignatius, are you prepared to depart?” Astir rose, her tall, slender form an imposing sight as always.

Adem lingered at her side, his dark, scarred face a mask of indifference. Yet, I suspected he would have much to say once my lover departed. Magda stood a little apart from us, her head bowed, and her eyes sparkling with tears.

“Regrettably, I am. ” Ignatius squeezed my hand before releasing it.

Astir leaned over to kiss his cheek before moving on to greet me with a kiss on either cheek. “I did this despite my better judgment, you know. ”

“I thank you. ” My voice was hoarse with emotion. “With all my heart, I thank you. ”

“Hrmm,” she merely said, then turned to Ignatius. “All has been said that needed to be said?”

“Yes. ” Ignatius gazed at me somberly, his lips slightly twitching with emotion.

“Then it is time for you to return to Vienna. Close your eyes, see your haven, and give yourself to me,” Astir instructed, her low voice purring with her power.

I moved toward Ignatius, a protest forming on my lips, but Adem stepped between us. I gripped my guard’s arm tightly, my eyes filling with tears, and he gently guided me away from Astir and Ignatius. My gaze did not leave my love as he reluctantly closed his eyes, concentration furrowing his brow. He gave a brief nod and Astir raised her hand over his face. I heard her voice whisper words in an unknown language as she slowly circled about him. On her third pass around his still form, he vanished.


Astir turned slowly toward me, her eyes full of fire. “No time for tears, little one. It is time to talk. ”

“Have you no heart? You have taken him from me, and I am in pain!”