“Where is Vlad?” His voice was very soft, yet frightening. “Why is he not here?”

I swallowed hard and stared down at the letter.

“Tell me, Glynis,” he urged me.

A strangled sob escaped my lips. Holding onto his hands, I fell back against him. Tilting my head to one side, I invited his bite. His mouth trailed over my ear to my throat and I waited for fangs to pierce my flesh. It came sharp and delicious, and I swooned against him. His mouth pulled three deep drinks from my neck before he stopped.

“Oh, Glynis, what did you do to Vlad?” he moaned.

“He is alive. I did not kill him. ”

Turning me about, he stared down into my eyes, seeking the truth from my gaze.

“I did not kill him. He is not dead. ”

“His power is now yours. I taste it. ”

“It is mine now. ”

Closing his eyes, he leaned his forehead upon mine. “I see. ”

“I am yours. ”

“And I am yours, my complicated love. ”

I drew him down into my arms and kissed him feverishly. I craved his touch and love. His mouth passionately consumed mine and I clung to him.

It was I who disrobed him and pressed him down upon the bed so I could cover him with my kisses. It was I who shrugged off my heavy dress and straddled him. It was I who took him deep into my body between my thighs and made love to him.

But it was Ignatius who took my face between his hands and whispered the words that liberated me from my fears.

“I will tell no one what you have done. ”

Chapter 19

The nightmare came as it always does. I am asleep when Vlad Dracula manifests in my bed. I always see his cruel green eyes, thick auburn hair, and strong muscled shoulders. I feel his thick lips kissing my skin and his strong body pressing down upon mine. I hear his deep voice purring in my ear as his large hands rub over my body. I am always afraid, aroused, and angry when the dream comes.

“Release me and we shall be together again. Release me and I shall love you as before. Come to me, free me, and we shall be together,” he says in my dreams.

Sometimes I waken before he thrusts into my body, but other times I am trapped within the dream and writhe under him as he violates me.

This time his seduction was the same, but then he became aware of the sleeping form beside me. Anger bloomed in his eyes and his hands cruelly gripped my flesh. I awakened with a scream as his rough hands shoved my thighs apart. To feel Vlad enter me after my wonderful night with Ignatius was too horrible to bear. I opened my eyes and cried out for Vlad’s green eyes glowered down upon me.

“Ignatius!” My hand lashed out to clutch Ignatius’s arm with trembling fingers.

He awoke an

d gasped. Gripping me close, Ignatius ripped me away from the phantom.

Together, we bore witness to the power of Dracula, for Vlad was a ghostly manifestation. His naked body pushed up the covers where I had lain. The rage etched in his face was terrifying as he lashed out with his hand to draw me back.

“She is mine!” Vlad roared.

I whimpered, kicking at the image of my Master as Ignatius pulled me free of the bed. He held me against him protectively, glaring at the apparition.

“It is a projection of his spirit,” Ignatius whispered in my ear. “He is not truly here. Do not be afraid. ”

“Oh, no! Be afraid!” Vlad shouted. His image wavered slightly as he struggled to follow us. I felt weak at the sight of him and clung to Ignatius. Vlad managed to free his ghostly form from the bed and took a threatening step toward us. “I shall kill you for touching her! I warned you, Ignatius!”