Percy’s gaze was also upon me, and I brightly smiled at him in an attempt to hide my excitement. “Tell us more about your visit!”

“Would you like to read your letter first? Father Ignatius said it was about a personal matter he had counseled you about when he was in Buda. ” Percy’s eyes studied me. His look was sharp though his tone casual.

“It is not important. I shall open it later,” I said with a gay laugh.

The next two hours were the most difficult I have ever had to endure. I held the letter in my hand, my fingers tracing over the seal, but not breaking it. It was difficult not to rip it open and read the letter within, but I resisted the temptation.

It was not until after Percy had departed and I escaped Csilla’s company, that I was at last able to retreat to my suite. Adem and Magda were talking when I entered and fell silent when they saw my face. The bolt of blue silk was set upon a chair. The blue perfectly matched my eyes. It was a lovely gift and I would have to remind myself to send Percy a thank you card.

“Is something amiss?” Adem asked.

Beside him, Magda was smiling slightly.

“I have a letter from Ignatius. He sent it with Percy. ” I held it against my bosom with a trembling hand. I strode past them to my bedroom. I could feel their eyes upon me as I closed the door behind me.

Sitting upon the edge of my bed, I stared down at the small envelope, tears filling my eyes. I lifted it to my nose and under the scent of Percy’s cologne I could faintly smell Ignatius. Pressing my lips together, I gently eased the envelope open, careful to not completely break the seal. Sliding out the letter, I tried not to spill my tears upon it. Unfolding the thick paper, I saw Ignatius’s strong, quick strokes spilling across the page.

Dearest Glynis,

My heart is quite weary and I must write this quickly. Words cannot fully express my deep despair that I am not at your side at this most dangerous of times. It is my understanding that you are in Buda without Vlad Dracula and this concerns me greatly. If the rumors are true, you may be in great peril. Astir assures me that he is protecting you and keeping you from harm, but this gives me very little comfort when I cannot be with you.

I shall do everything within my power to return to you and be at your side.

I love you deeply. Do not doubt that.

We shall see each other soon. I promise.

Love always,


“When?” I whispered. “When will you return?”

“Now,” Ignatius’s voice whispered. His hand closed about mine as his lips touched my cheek.

The letter slipped from my fingers. “Ignatius!” I gasped when I realized he was standing beside me.

“I am here, Glynis,” he said, drawing me to my feet.

I raised my face and his lips met mine. His hair fell around my face as I lifted my hand to rest against his cheek. Our kiss was sweet and full of yearning, yet gentle. Drawing back, he smiled at me, his dark blue eyes gleaming with pleasure.

“You’re here!” I gasped, my palms pressed against his cheeks. It was almost impossible to believe he was finally with me again.

“I am here,” Ignatius assured me. “I am not a phantom. I am truly here in flesh and blood. ” He appeared just as I remembered: hair as black as raven feathers fell around a long face with a strong nose and finely shaped mouth. His tall, lean form was clad all in black, and his long, white fingers tenderly pulled my hands from his face so he could kiss my palms. “I could not bear to be away any longer. ”

My breath left me as I felt my heart stuttering within my bosom. Tears fell down my cheeks to stain my dress, but I did not care. Words had left me and I could only cry with joy.

Drawing me into his arms, he kissed

me again and again. My love for him burned bright within me, illuminating my tattered spirit. All my anger, bitterness, fears, and darkness were swept away by his love. I no longer felt alone, but complete. The taste of his lips and tongue were exquisite and the strength of his body comforting. I slid my fingers into his silky hair and clung to him as we kissed. He swept me about in circles in his arms, as joyous as I to be reunited.

Tangled in my petticoats, I giggled against his lips.

Ignatius laughed as he saw me kicking my feet in a futile attempt to free myself from my predicament. The heavy lace and embroidery were wrapped about my ankles like a vise. Setting me down on the bed, he leaned down to carefully untangle the skirts, straightening out the hems and patting them into place.

Another reminder of his wonderful nature.

“Where have you been?” I asked, my lips still burning from his kisses and joy filling my heart.