I gasped, then burst out laughing. She blushed and lowered her face. “Oh, no, dearest Laura. Never. I have no interest in Percy in that regard. ”

“Adem then?” Her eyes sparkled with interest.

“No, no, my darling one. Never!” I pressed one hand to my bosom. “I love someone that I cannot be with at this time. ”

“Truly?” She sat forward, keenly interested. “Who is it?”

“I cannot

say. But perhaps one day I shall be united with my love. ”

“Oh, I am certain Vlad Dracula shall be here soon,” Csilla said from the doorway. Her face was flushed from wine and her dark eyes scrutinized us with interest. Clad in a rumpled red gown, she was a bit of a scandal with her tousled hair. “Still embroidering, I see. Such a dull pastime. I don’t know how you stand it. ”

Laura peeked at the baroness through her eyelashes.

“I find it nice to sit and chat while making something beautiful,” I said at last.

“I’d rather sit and chat with something beautiful,” Csilla retorted. She strode across the parlor and her long, slim fingers lightly played with the curls around Laura’s face. “Such a lovely little thing. One day you shall make a man very happy. ”

Laura did not draw away from Csilla, but did frown.

“Oh, come now. One day some delicious man shall come along and pry those delicate little thighs open. ”

“Csilla!” I rose sharply, my hoop toppling over. “That is quite enough!”

“Yet, it is true. ” Csilla slid away from Laura in my direction. “Or is it that she has captured your eye?” She glanced significantly at Laura’s throat, riling me considerably.

I stomped my foot, glaring at her. “That is enough. ”

Inebriated, Csilla’s tongue was far too loose. Laura gazed at me in confusion as Csilla tilted her head to one side as she drew closer to me. “Is it a matter of taste? A younger, headier vintage?”

My anger unfurled within me as I felt my teeth growing sharp in my mouth. Laura had arrived soon after I had risen and I had yet to feed. My anger and hunger flared to life within me. I clenched my hands as I battled against the need for blood.

Csilla’s dark eyes gazed into mine as Laura squirmed around in her chair, clearly uncomfortable.

“Adem!” My voice was sharp.

He appeared within seconds at the doorway. “Yes, Countess?”

“Please escort Laura to her home. The baroness is not well and I best tend to her. ”

“As you wish,” he responded.

Laura hastily gathered her things and cast a worried look in my direction as she departed.

“I will call on you later this week,” I said to her, my gaze steadfastly on Csilla.

The baroness stood before me defiantly, her eyes challenging me.

As the door closed behind Laura and Adem, I gripped Csilla’s arm in such a harsh grip that I knew I was bruising her. “How dare you?”

“Why do you drink from the guards and that little girl instead of me?” Csilla’s voice was serpentine: low, hissing, and dangerous.

I tossed her away and watched with satisfaction as she fell into the chair across the room. Startled at my abrupt violence, she clung to the armrest, gasping for air.

“How dare you endanger me in this way!” I was on her in a second, frightening her with my swiftness. “She does not know what I am, and I do not wish for her to know. I am her friend and she is mine. ”

“I am more than your friend! I am Vlad’s chosen Bride!” Csilla spat the words out. “Your attentions should be directed at me! My blood should fill your veins, not hers!”