Laura smiled slightly. “Was she? That is lovely. I wish I would see Sebastyén. My mother is always consulting with a fortuneteller in an attempt to make contact with him. She is desperate to speak to him from beyond the grave. Father despises the whole affair, but does not stop her. The fortuneteller is quite impressive and a little frightening, and he does not like her in the house, but my mother insists. ”

“Does it give her solace?”

“If she could speak to Sebastyén, perhaps it would. If you could speak to your family, would you?”

I nodded adamantly. “Oh, yes. I would. I would want them to know I am doing well. ”

“Perhaps they already do. ” Laura gave me the sweetest smile as she lightly touched my hand. “Did I tell you that Percy came to call on my family several nights ago?”

“No, you did not. I did not realize he had returned from his travels. ” My hand hesitated over my task. Percy traveled often and it had become his custom to visit me shortly after he returned. I was surprised he had visited Laura first.

“Mother was ecstatic. She is convinced he desires to court me. ” She giggled with amusement. “How foolish is that?”

“Rather, I should think. He knows of your vow to remain a spinster. ” I carefully executed my next stitch as I pondered Percy’s motivation behind his visit.

Her nimble fingers worked away, a small leaf taking form in delicate stitches. “He actually spoke very little to me, but spent quite a bit of time talking with my father about business. I think Percy shall make my father his solicitor. I did hear them both mention your husband. ”

Tilting my head, I gazed past the flickering candles to the girl who reminded me so much of myself. Even though she slightly resembled my sister May, her spirit was similar to my own. I felt quite comfortable speaking with her and often had to watch my tongue. I often wished I could pour out the truth from my lips so she would truly understand me, but Astir’s warning kept me restrained.

I loathed being restrained.

“I wonder what they were speaking about. ”

“I believe Percy may wish to hire father. I overheard them discussing how father has assisted your husband with his financial dealings. ”

It seemed very plausible that Percy was seeking representation, but I felt a little leery. Hesitantly, I said, “That is most likely the truth. Perhaps Percy shall visit me soon. ”

“He does admire you so. I overhead him telling father that you are a very strong woman. ” Laura sighed wistfully. “I can only hope that someday people shall say the same of me. ”

“Of course they will! You are a strong, intelligent young woman. Your only hindrance is the ignorance of those around us who demand that we fit into their ill-conceived notions of what men and women should and should not do! It’s all rubbish!” I waved my hand for emphasis, ripping the thread from the needle in my exuberance.

Laura giggled with delight, sounding very much like May, and leaned forward to whisper. “Our hostess has no fear of those rules, does she?”

I shook my head, smirking. “I dare say she does not. ”

“Is it true that. . . ” Laura drew in a breath and her eyes sparkled with curiosity as she touched my hand lightly. “Is it true she beds both men and women?”

I gasped and Laura shirked away. I was surprised that she should be so worldly. It had never occurred to me that women would lay with women until I had witnessed the affections Elina and Ariana shared in the castle. I was discomforted by the memory and this was reflected in my expression. Laura fastened her gaze on her embroidery and fell into silence.

“No, no, Laura, do not be ashamed. Your words startled me, that’s all. ”

Her eyes did not waver from their attention on her elegant embroidery. “I just overhead mother saying I should not visit you because the baroness is a wanton woman who beds both men and women at her whim. ”

“I have seen her seduce many a man to her bedchamber, but never a woman. ” I shrugged slightly. “Not that it concerns me. She can do as she wishes. ”

“I wish I could do as I desire with no concern of what others may say. ”

Trimming away a few bits of thread and studying the rose I had just finished, I readily agreed with a bob of my head. “I wish the same. ”

“Have you heard from your husband?”

A simple question, but it made me start. I quickly recovered, threading my needle with a new color of thread. “Yes, of course. He is very, very busy, but sent me his love. ”

“I am sorry you do not love him,” she said after a pause.

“Why would you say that?”

“Because you seem so very lonely. You are confined to the night by your sensitivity to the sunlight and spend far too much time with me on mundane pursuits such as embroidery. ” Laura set her hands in her lap and regarded me with great sadness. “I cannot believe my wondrous personality keeps you entertained. Perhaps you should have an affair with Percy. ”