“My lady!” She clung to me, burying her face in the folds of my traveling scarf.

I pried her hands free and forced her to stand back. “Enough of that. ”

Trying to please me, she wiped her tears from her face. It was then I saw the triumphant gleam in her eyes. Understanding dawned on me and when I returned my gaze to her parents, I said, “We are leaving now. ”

“The dowry,” Vanda said, reaching out to grip her husband’s arm. “What is the dowry?”

“Yes, Countess. I realize there will be no marriage, but we must-”

“I will allow you to live,” I said shortly. “That is your payment. ”

Shock played over Toma’s expression, then anger gripped him. “You cannot!”

“I can. And should you wish to continue to live in safety, I suggest that you stay silent on the matter of your dealings with me and my husband, otherwise the protection my husband granted you is forfeit. ” I grabbed hold of Katya’s hand, wrenched open the door, and stormed out of the parlor. Adem and Magda were lingering outside waiting for me.

“Madam?” Adem questioned, following with Magda close behind.

“She’s coming with us,” I answered grimly.

Katya beamed with joy much to my disgust, and I was a bit rough with her as I dragged her along. Her seduction of Enre had been clever. Though I could respect her desire to be free of the parents who were so willing to sell her, I did not like being manipulated.

“Lord Astir will not like this,” Adem decided.

“Oh, I do not care! His guard was foolish enough to lie with her and cause this trouble,” I grumbled.

Astir was settled into the carriage awaiting our arrival. When he saw Katya, he lifted his brows, then began to chuckle. Adem quickly moved to help me ascend the steps into the carriage.

“Are you certain?” Adem whispered, his gaze shifting to Katya.

As I gathered up my petticoats and allowed him to lift me, I answered, “Of course not. But what else can I do?”

Adem inclined his head in agreement, then assisted Magda and Katya as I settled into the seat next to Astir. Closing the door, Adem vanished from view.

“How much did you pay Toma for the girl?” Astir inquired.

I adjusted my bonnet as Magda untangled my petticoats, dress, and coat, smoothing them around my legs. “Nothing. I allowed him to live and promised to continue Vlad’s protection over him and his business. ”

Astir laughed with amusement. “Well played. Vlad would be proud. ”

I bristled under his compliment. “I do not like being blackmailed or deceived. ”

Seated across from Astir, Katya’s fingers played with the ties of her bodice with her eyes fastened upon me.

“Do not play the innocent with me, Katya. I know what you did,” I scolded. “You seduced Enre to force your father’s hand and mine. ”

She slightly shrugged. “I don’t like it here. I want to be with you. I shall be good. ”

Magda snorted.

“You shall live with Lord Astir,” I replied.

Astir gave me a sharp look as Katya pouted.

“Your guard was a fool and brought this upon us,” I informed Astir. “If he had not had relations with her, we would not be in this predicament. I think it only fair that you give Katya a position in your household. ”

“What will I do with her?” Astir regarded her with contempt.

The carriage groaned as it lurched forward, the clop of horse hooves against the cobblestones a welcome sound.