“If you are speaking of Lord Astir, he loves scandals. If you are speaking of Enre, I have had harsh words with him. He is remorseful. I had him leave to scout the road ahead to remove him from the situation so I could attempt to placate Toma, Katya’s father. Sadly, I failed and Lord Astir is not faring well either. ”

“What does Toma desire to settle the issue, Adem?”

“Katya’s father is demanding an immediate marriage and recompense. ”

“Does Enre love her?” I asked, arching my eyebrow.

“No,” Adem conceded. “He does not. ”

“Oh, dear,” Magda whispered.

“Katya is foolish, but I expected more of Enre. Why on earth did he seduce her if he did not love her? Did he not consider the ramifications?” I realized my voice was rising and I took a breath to calm my nerves.

“He claims she plied him with wine and seduced him,” Adem replied. “Of course, her story is contrary to his. ”

“Of course. ”

“I’m inclined to believe him,” Adem continued.

“Of course, you are. You’re a man,” I grumbled irritably.

I hurried down the stairs to find the quarrelers and settle the argument so we could depart. I was done with the hotel and the drama.

It was not difficult to find, Toma, Katya’s father. His angry voice boomed through the lower floor. I found Toma, his frightened wife, a weeping Katya, and Astir gathered in the parlor. Katya wailed, huddled in her mother’s arms as the older woman tried to calm her. Katya’s mother had harsh lines about her mouth and eyes, but she strongly resembled her daughter.

“Lord Astir, she is in disgrace!” Katya’s mother declared in a fierce voice.

“Oh, please. It’s not as if the girl was a virgin,” Astir scoffed.

Toma was so angry I thought the veins in his neck would rupture. “Do not speak of her in that way! She is an innocent!”

“Who has let Count Dracula play with her many a time, hasn’t she? But this time it is a mere guard, not a count with a full purse to encourage you to forget about any indiscretion,” Astir decided. “I’m not about to pay you for the use of your daughter. I didn’t indulge in her feminine wiles and Enre is a man of humble means. ”

“Astir,” I said warningly, stepping fully into the room.

The fallen angel tossed his golden hair from his face and grinned rakishly. “Why, darling Countess Dracula, how kind of you to join us. We have the most exciting drama afoot. ”

“Astir, do behave,” I chided.

“Do you know what your guard did?” Toma demanded, his blue eyes fastening upon me. “He defiled her!”

“Countess, help me!” Katya wailed. Her face was swollen from crying and her hair clung to her wet face.

“Toma, what do you desire?” I asked, making a great show of opening my purse.

“This time she could be with child!” Katya’s mother cried out.

“True,” Astir agreed. “A vampire’s seed is dead, but Enre is a fine human beast, virile and potent!”

Katya’s mother gasped as her daughter cried louder.

“Astir, please!” I scolded.

“It is not enough for you to pay,” Toma shouted. “I will be disgraced for her sin in the eyes of the church and this town. ”

“And everyone in this hotel if you keep shouting,” Astir pointed out.

“You don’t even know if she’s with child,” I said in a much calmer tone. I was trying to keep my temper, but it was not an easy task with all the shouting and crying in the room.