y Magda who had let out the soft cry, I stepped further into the cell.

Dirt and decomposing hay littered the floor and a small pallet was shoved into one corner. I could not imagine the woman who had given birth to the countess being in such a place, yet I understood too well the cruelties of times past. Vlad Dracula was a man born in a time of violence and war. This would be the norm for a man such as he.

Following the countess' directive, I began to search along the far wall, digging through the dirt for the small rosary. According to the countess, her mother had hidden it during her vampire daughter’s visit to her cell. Brushing aside the dirt and rotting straw, I held the torch low over the ground, hoping to find the relic of the late Lady Antoinetta.

“Is she safe?” a voice whispered near me.

I looked up swiftly, but found I was alone in the cell. Magda was not to be seen. Though the voice startled me, I realized it had spoken in Italian. I may have lost my faith long ago, but I understand the reality of specters.

“Yes. She is safe. I watch over her,” I responded in the native tongue of Countess Dracula’s mother.

Sweeping the torch back and forth, the light fell over nothing more than the cold stone walls and the dank floor. The voice did not speak again, and I bowed my head with respect.

“She sent me to recover your rosary so she may lay you to rest properly, my lady. ”

A feathery touch across my brow startled me, but I felt no threat from what I perceived to be the ghost of Lady Antoinetta. When she did not speak again, I returned to my quest. Directing the light onto the floor once again, I was surprised to see the rosary lying in plain sight near my hand. Gently, I picked up the delicate beads, the gold crucifix glinting in the torchlight.

“Thank you, my lady. This will bring her great peace. ” Standing, I called out. “Magda, I have found it. ”

There was no answer.

I called out again. “Magda, I found the rosary. We can depart now. ”

Silence was the only response.

I strode swiftly from the cell to find I was alone in the dungeon. There was no sight of Magda’s flickering candle, nor the sound of her footfalls. Rushing up the stairwell, I thrust the rosary into my trouser pocket as my heart began to beat harshly within my chest. If Dracula or his fiendish Brides had dragged off the maid, I would never forgive myself.

I reached the long corridor lined with armor and listened for any slight sound that could lead me to her. The torch clasped in one hand, my sword in the other, I strained to hear. I was rewarded by a startled scream then low, wicked laughter. It came from the stairwell that led down into the chapel.

Sprinting down the hallway, I resisted the urge to call out her name. I hurried as quietly as I could down the spiraling stairs into the depths of Dracula’s resting place.

The low cackle of one of the vampire Bride’s echoed from below.

“Get back!” Magda ordered.

I heard a gasp, then an angry hiss.

Rushing into the ruined chapel, I found Magda holding her hand aloft, fire burning in her palm. A blond vampire, beautiful beyond compare, draped in a gauzy white dress and adorned with jewels, crouched in the opening of a crypt. Above her head was one word: DRACULA. She hissed, her long teeth glimmering in the light from the flames.

Magda hurled the fire at the Bride. The vampire darted back, the ball of fire smashing into the stone wall and showering embers upon her. The blond Bride rushed forward, seeing Magda disarmed. She cowered as Magda’s palm erupted in flame again, and retreated.

“I have to kill him,” Magda said in a determined voice.

I was not certain she was speaking to me or the vampire she was confronting.

“I will tear out your throat and feast on you,” the vampire threatened.

I sensed movement and whirled about to see another Bride crawling on the wall. Her long raven hair fell over her shoulder as she scuttled along like an insect. I raised my torch, illuminating her face and she hissed at me in fear and hunger.

“Magda,” I called out. “We were not to disturb them!”

“He must die so she can be fully free! She cannot do it, but I can!” Magda exclaimed defiantly.

The blond vampire laughed mockingly. “You cannot kill him. He is too great for you. ” Her tongue snaked out to caress her long teeth and red lips. “I will enjoy drinking your blood. ”

Another vampire rushed toward Magda, her tiny feet silent on the floor as she moved. I charged forward and caught the creature about the waist. She was so astonished, she only had a second to cry out before I tossed her across the chapel. She skidded along the floor before she caught herself on her toes and fingertips.

“He’s mine, Ariana!” the dark Bride declared behind me.