A smile curved on Cneajna’s blood red lips as she pointed at me. “Lady Glynis Wright. ”

It was then I knew I was doomed.

Chapter 32

The Journal of Countess Dracula

December 4, 1820


Though I despise being imprisoned, I feel strangely safe. I have been locked away in a cell with no windows. The door is made of solid white birch with silver bars. There is apparently a ward upon my jail for I cannot use my powers. I have attempted only once and the pain was so acute I dare not try again. I heard Cneajna’s scream soon after, and I assume she also tried to escape.

After her proclamation, we were both carted off by the wolf brothers. Ilinca’s face had been void of compassion or any other emotion after Cneajna’s accusation. She merely ordered us both to be taken into custody. Magda and Adem attempted to protest, but Ignatius silenced them. I trust that he is the wisest among us and will deal with the situation to the best of his ability.

I have made a fine mess of it all, yet I do not regret any of my actions. I wanted to live my own life and for a short period of time I was my own mistress.

Should I die, I will only feel pride that I did not capitulate to the unfairness of this world.

“Glynis,” Ignatius called out as the cell door opened.

I stood quickly, gathering my torn, bloodstained robe about me. I had very little dignity left, but I was determined to keep my held head high.

One of the big wolf brothers, whose name I discovered was Ferenc appeared in the doorway. “You have a visitor. My master has been kind enough to allow him to speak to you despite the charges against you. I suggest that you be grateful and do not cause trouble. ”

“I won’t,” I promised.

With a nod, the big vampire stepped away, allowing Ignatius to enter. He carried a bag with him. As the door shut, I pressed a firm kiss to his mouth.

When our lips parted, he looked relieved. “I feared you were angry with me. ”

“No. Never!”

Ignatius’s fingers nestled in my hair as he kissed me again with great passion. My lips worshiped his as we indulged in our love for one another. His lips kissed my cheek and brow then he held me tenderly for several precious moments. At last, he set down the items he had brought with him.

“I spoke with Ilinca and she agreed to allow you to freshen up. Gavril has declared that you will face your accuser two nights from now. ”

“Why so long?”

“Actually, it is terrifyingly quick. I suspect they already believe Cneajna and are only giving us an obligatory time period to collect evidence in your defense. ” Ignatius drew out a dress, underclothes, and a single petticoat for me to change into. The blood that had splattered me in my battle had absorbed into my skin leaving it fresh and clean to the eye. “Here, change into these things. Magda says it is your favorite dress. ”

Disrobing, I sighed. “What shall we do? How can I prove that I did not kill Vlad?”

“Leave that to me,” Ignatius answered as he sat on the cold floor, his back to the wall, his feet planted apart, and his hands on his knees. “I have a plan. ”

“I should have killed her,” I grumbled.

“If you had, you would be dead now. When she attacked Laura first, I knew that Cneajna was attempting to rouse you into a hasty act against her. If you had struck her down, you would die. ”

“You think her mad enough to sacrifice her very life to take mine?” I pulled on my chemise and fumbled about with my short stay. I despise corsets, but I knew Magda sent it so I would appear like a proper lady. I laced up and reached for my petticoat.

Ignatius nodded slightly as he watched me dress. His expression was somber, but his eyes did tend to wander over my curves. I enjoyed his attention despite my horrible circumstances. “She is crazed enough to wreak complete vengeance upon you. I spoke with Brice after your arrest. I realized he had been determined to hasten Csi

lla’s death for a reason. Not just to be free from her, but because Cneajna was compelling him to kill her. Once Csilla died, Cneajna could enter the palace. Servants could not invite Cneajna in. She had attempted to have Brice allow her entry, but Csilla was the only mortal who could claim the palace as her home. Once Cneajna realized this, she compelled Brice to kill her. ”

“That traitor!”

“He was under her influence. His mind is muddled. You cannot blame him for his actions. He was like a man trapped within a dream. I also think it is evident that Cneajna killed Percy. ”