Astir bowed to Ilinca before gliding over to my side.

“Well played,” I said to him in hushed tones.

“Wasn’t it?” Astir answered, kissing my cheek.

“And last, we announce an official envoy from the Immortal Beloved. She who gave birth to all of us has requested that we embrace one of her favored progeny as her voice in our city. Gavril and I have agreed to acknowledge this request. May we introduce Father Ignatius. ”

As he stepped into the clearing clad in his long black coat, Ignatius’s dark blue eyes met mine.

I did not care who witnessed my actions. I flung myself into his arms and kissed him.

Chapter 29

“As always, a pleasure,” Ignatius whispered, holding my hands.

I beamed at him, joy filling my heart. The love in his eyes was a balm to my fretful mind. Abruptly, all the fear and frustration of the last month dissipated under his affectionate gaze. Gently, he took my hand and guided me to Laura and Astir.

Astir watched the proceedings with great interest from his perch upon a tomb. His robe and flaming wings faded into more modest attire. He now appeared as a tall, slightly feminine man wearing a long navy coat, black waistcoat, white shirt, red trousers, and shiny black boots.

Laura watched Ignatius with great interest as she latched onto my arm. With a slight nod of his head to Astir, Ignatius turned to Gavril and Ilinca. Approaching them, he was an impressive sight with his dark coat and black hair flecked with snow.

Bowing his head, he said, “

I gratefully accept your gracious invitation into your city. The Immortal Beloved extends her gratitude and affection to all her children. ”

Gavril also bowed his head, accepting the blessing. “We are honored to have the benediction of one of the first of our kind. ”

“May she live forever,” Ilinca intoned solemnly, curtseying.

All the vampires lowered their heads in supplication to the unseen vampire. I followed suit as did Laura.

Ignatius drew out a small gold box and laid it at the feet of the siblings. Ilinca retrieved it with great reverence. She opened it and withdrew a small, stoppered vial. Within was a small portion of red liquid.

Ilinca’s eyes widened as she gasped. Gavril mirrored her expression as he stepped to her side. The vampires around me all fell to their knees, not daring to raise their heads. Emulating their actions, Laura and I also knelt.

“This is surely the greatest of honors. ” Gavril whispered.

“She is pleased with your discretion. The mortals were never aware of the vampire war that waged around them for nearly a year. Though she is always saddened by the loss of our own, she is aware of Baatar’s atrocities. ” Ignatius paused, letting his words take effect. “She hopes that his legacy is now dead in this city. Therefore, she has sent a gift to empower your house. ”

Ilinca held the crystal vial aloft for all of her vampires to witness. “Rise, House of Gavril, and let us remember this night when the Immortal Beloved blessed us with her essence. ”

Ignatius bowed his head, then joined me. Ignatius’s hand enfolded mine. Lifting my head, I smiled at him warmly. He kissed my forehead, then returned his gaze to the ceremony before us.

The House of Gavril slowly gathered around the siblings. Ilinca and Gavril placed one drop of the Immortal Beloved’s blood upon their lips and kissed of each member of their house. Each vampire licked the blood from their lips as they solemnly formed a circle about their leaders. Finally, Gavril placed the last of the blood upon his mouth, leaned over, and kissed Ilinca.

It was in that moment I knew who Ilinca’s forbidden love was without any doubt.

Their kiss was far from the chaste kiss of siblings. I winced while attempting not to display any outward signs of my disgust. I could never imagine kissing my brother Andrew in such a manner. The passion between Gavril and Ilinca was undeniable as was the tenderness of Gavril’s hands as he cradled Ilinca’s face, yet the sight made me feel slightly ill.

Beside me, Laura widened her eyes while Ignatius averted his.

The two vampires were lost in their passion for a short time. When they parted it was with great reluctance and their eyes did not stray from each other.

“Let us remember always this night. . . ” Gavril intoned.

Hearing their dismissal in his tone, his progeny drifted away into the snowy night. As Zsa Zsa departed, she touched Ignatius’s hand lightly, giggled, then her form melded into a raven. On dark wings, she took flight and vanished.

Rebekah and Jenci bowed their heads to Ignatius as they strolled past us. Ignatius acknowledged them with a slight smile. We followed the vampires into the night, leaving Ilinca and Gavril in each other’s embrace.