Gavril stood and silence fell over the graveyard. “We have lost our beloved brethren, but we are victorious. Tonight we celebrate and mourn together as one family. Together, we plan for our future. This is St. Andrew’s Eve, a sacred night among us. Tonight you may ask of me what you desire. Tonight we acknowledge our allies among us. Let us begin. ”

The vampire with the white hair stood and approached. She was tall and quite slim, appearing more like a ghost than vampire. She curtsied deep before Gavril.

“Rebeka, my first child, speak your desire. ”

Standing, she said, “I wish to make my favored servant, Izsak, a noble member of the House of Gavril. He fought bravely at my side and has guarded me well for thirty years. ”

Gavril and Ilinca exchanged glances, then both nodded.

“Agreed, Rebeka. He may join us next St. Andrews Eve as a member of the House of Gavril. ”

“I thank you,” Rebeka answered, smiling and returned to her seat.

The young girl dropped down from above, landing in the snow. Dressed in the coat and gown of a child, she was very small compared to Gavril. Her black hair fell to her waist in a tangle of curls.

“Zsa Zsa,” Gavril said with a slight smile “my second child. What do you desire?”

“I desire no progeny. I wish to have the head of Baatar. ”

Gavril seemed surprised by this ghoulish request and glanced at Ilinca.

“It is only a broken skull,” Ilinca remarked.

“I don’t care. I wish to bronze it and place it upon a spike. ” Zsa Zsa’s pink lips smiled sweetly. “As a warning for any vampire who would dare come against us. ”

“Ilinca?” Gavril deferred to his sister. “What do you say?”

She shrugged. “Let her have it. I’m sick of seeing it in our bedchamber. ”

“It is yours, Zsa Zsa. ”

The little girl grinned with delight. Sliding to her tip toes, she kissed Gavril’s cheek as he leaned down to her. Sauntering past me, she gave me a bit of a feral grin before leaping onto a tombstone.

I am not a very patient person and have no great love for ritual, but I was quite fascinated as each of the vampires came forth to ask for favors from their Master and Mistress. Most requested the right to make another vampire. Only one was denied. It was one of the wolf brothers who had chosen a mortal girl with no knowledge of the vampires.

“She'll go mad,” Ilinca informed the crestfallen young man.

In the end, he was allowed to kidnap her and make her into his blood concubine. This seemed to please him though it angered me. Laura started to protest, but I silenced her with a look.

Jenci stepped forward. “Now to declare the allies of the House of Gavril!”

Ilinca strolled to the center of the gathering. “Our allies will be treated with the utmost respect at all times unless Gavril lifts his protection. First, in gratitude for his assistance in destroying Baatar, Count Vlad Dracula. We extend our hospitality to the House of Dracula as well. Joining us tonight are Countess Dracula and her progeny, Laura. All members of their household are under our protection. ”

The vampires all bowed their heads in our direction.

Nervously, I stood up, feeling the need to acknowledge the moment. “I am humbled by your proclamation and thank you. ”

Gavril nodded curtly, but Ilinca’s smile was warm.

“Second, we acknowledge Lord Astir. He did not interfere with our war and was most helpful in securing our allies. ”

There was a flash of white light and Astir stood before us. A white robe was draped over his tall form and the flaming wings spreading out from his shoulders illuminated the graveyard. The thick coils of his blond hair fell over his shoulder as he bowed low before Gavril. Though his eyes were nothing more than orbs of fire, I thought I caught a twinkle of mischief in them.

“I am honored and delighted,” Astir declared, and kissed Gavril’s hand.

“His haven will once more be opened not only to our kind but the other supernaturals of the city,” Gavril announced. “You may once more enjoy the entertainment he provides. ”

The wolf brothers let out howls of delight and clapped each other on their backs.