“Are all men so easy to persuade?” she asked once they were gone.

“You did control them!” I gaped at her in surprise.

“It was astoundingly easy. I merely thought in my mind that they should see me as a timid little mouse and tried to project that image. I even heard their thoughts as I was controlling them. ”

“What were they thinking?”

Laura frowned slightly, plucking at the lace of the lavender gown I had given her to wear. “One was thinking he would like to place his manhood inside of me. ”

I gasped.

“And the other thought I was a sweet little girl and that his wife would have loved to take me in and take care of me if I were not an aristocrat. ”

I could not repress my laughter. I was pleased with Laura’s strength of mind and will, but a little taken aback by her already growing powers.

Brice appeared in the doorway, his solemn expression unreadable as always. When he announced Percy had arrived, I was not surprised. Percy had become the inadvertent hero in Adem’s and my make-believe drama about the rescue of Laura. I was gutted that I had to create memories in his mind to fool him into believing he had saved Laura. It felt like a violation of our wonderful friendship. But I could still remember the terror in his eyes after she had ripped open his throat and I felt the moment was better forgotten.

“Please escort him in, Brice. ”

He bowed his head and left to obey.

Laura moved to sit beside me on the sofa, her hand gripping mine. “What shall we say?”

“Let him lead the conversation. He believes he found and rescued you. Remember that. ”

Nervously nodding, she tried to take on the pose of someone who had suffered a great trauma. I tried to wipe away my smile of bemusement.

“Laura, Countess!” Percy entered the parlor in a rush of motion. He gripped my hands tightly as I greeted him, then abandoned my side to kneel next to Laura. He clutched her hand and kissed her fingers. “Dear Laura, it is such a relief to see you safe and far away from that dreadful mausoleum. When I think of you trapped and cold it breaks my heart. ”

I felt a cold finger of discomfort at his words. He did not seem quite himself, and I feared my tampering had altered him in some way.

“But you saved me,” Laura answered in her lovely voice. “And I am far away from there now. Glynis is taking very good care of me. ”

“Your hand is still chilled. ” He rubbed it vigorously, attempting to warm it. “It is a relief that your illness has not reclaimed you after spending so much time in the cold. ” Percy drew up a chair to sit close to her.

“I believe the coffin kept me from the elements. ” Laura glanced at me for reassurance, and I gave her a slight nod.

Percy’s keen blue eyes gazed deep into hers as she spoke and he shook his head sorrowfully. “I only wish that I could have returned you to your parents. It was a terrible scene to witness. I am glad that you were safely away with Countess Dracula when I discovered them. ”

“I am grateful to you and Adem for handling the matters with the police. They did come here, but were very kind. ”

“It is a remarkable story, Laura. That you were buried alive is a tragedy unto itself, but for you to be rescued just as thieves murder your parents. . . ” He trailed off. “It is almost unbelievable. ”

“And yet it happened,” I said swiftly.

“You hear of such things, but it is difficult to believe until you witness it with your own eyes. Yet, I vividly recall Laura calling out from the mausoleum in terror. It is something I shall never forget. For a moment, forgive me, Laura, I thought you were a wraith. ” He laughed, a nervous sound. “How could I, a reasonable man of my time, believe such a thing I do not know. But I am glad you are here, safe with Countess Dracula. ”

I returned the affectionate gaze he cast in my direction, but I felt uneasy.

His visit was short-lived. Though he spent most of his time with his attention focused on Laura, I had the strange sensation that he was watching me. I dismissed the observation, believing I had become paranoid since I altered his memory. I resented Vlad for forcing his will upon me. Wouldn’t I anticipate the same from Percy? When he finally said goodbye, he kissed my cheek and regarded me with one of his inscrutable expressions.

“You are a remarkable woman to take her in as you have,” he said as he prepared to depart.

“What else could I do?”

He merely smiled, donned his hat, and ventured out into the night.

I turned to find Brice standing near the doorway. He was studying me with some interest. I had the impression that I was being constantly measured on his moral scale. I wondered briefly how I was faring.