“They loved you. Of that I am certain. ” I felt sickened by her words, yet could understand her frustration. I had been furious with my parents for insisting that I marry well, yet I always knew they loved me.

“I am not,” she answered firmly. “I never felt their love. They were adamant in shaping me into the perfect

bride so that they could infuse more wealth into their lives. I know my father even arranged for your marriage. I heard him speaking with the baroness and Vlad Dracula. I know that they set about entrapping you. Did Dracula make you into a vampire?” She tilted her head and regarded me curiously.

“Yes. And murdered my family. That is why I hate him. ”

“Ah,” she said, nodding. “At last I understand why you married him despite being so staunchly opposed to marriage. So he created you, and you created me. ”

“Yes. Though I am not certain how I made you. ”

“Are you glad you did?” Her enormous, beautiful eyes regarded me with hope.

“I don’t know. ” It was the truth.

Standing, she walked to my side, her blood-soaked hem dragging on the floor. Resting her hand against my cheek, she gazed at me solemnly. “I have loved you since I first saw you. I loved you with all my heart. A silly girlish crush of the heart, perhaps. I thought perhaps you were like me. A woman who wants to be with other women. ”

I turned my head and averted my gaze, her closeness disquieting.

“But then I realized you do not. And I grew to love you in a different way. As a sister, a dear friend. You are the only person in my life that I truly believe loves me. ”

I looked upon her face and saw the red tears running down her cheeks. Her eyes were clear, sane, and full of love. I touched her cheek tenderly, my heart swelling with my love for her.

“Glynis, I know my father helped force you into marriage. I know he would have done the same for me. Now I know that he served a vampire and did terrible things. I killed them both because I will not have them ruin my new life with you. Am I not your daughter now? Child of your blood?”

“Yes, you are. ”

Smiling, she kissed my lips softly. It was a chaste kiss, but full of her love for me. Despite my unease, I returned the gesture. My power surged into her and claimed her. I felt my blood call to hers and bind us firmly together. I took her hand and pressed it to my bosom. “I shall care for you as Vlad never cared for me. ”

Sobbing with relief, she clung to me.

Chapter 27

The Journal of Countess Dracula

November 28, 1820

The Dosza Palace

I am struggling to set the pen to paper tonight. I am overwhelmed with the events that have transpired, yet I feel I must record all that has happened. Though my heart is glad that Laura is once more among us, I am saddened by the acts she committed in her madness. I have been shaken to my core, and I am struggling to regain my equilibrium.

It was tedious dealing with the aftermath of Laura’s rampage. I had to drink from the servants in Sir Stephan’s home to restore my powers before placing false memories in their minds. Meanwhile, Adem ransacked the house to make it appear as though criminals had broken in and murdered Sir Stephan and his wife. Like thieves, we carried off jewels and other valuables and hid them in one of the moldering coffins in the mausoleum where Laura had been laid to rest.

Percy was safe where I had left him when we returned, but nearly frozen. I planted more lies within his mind before Adem returned him to his flat. I spirited Laura back to the palace by air, nearly draining myself of all my power. I was exhausted and Magda helped me bathe Laura and get her properly dressed. Once she was cleaned up and clad in one of my nightgowns, she did not look like the murderous vampire who had claimed three lives. She looked young and innocent. Her expression broke my heart. She looked completely content with the state of things.

Not daring to leave Laura with Magda, I trembled with my hunger while I waited for Adem to return from his errand.

For Laura,” Adem announced, escorting Katya into my rooms. “Astir says you must take her. It’s your payment to him for Enre’s death. ”

Katya smiled at me triumphantly, while Laura regarded her with curious eyes.

“I thought we had seen the last of tonight’s tragedies. I see I was wrong,” I sniffed.

Adem cast a dark look at Laura as she curled up in a chair and regarded us with great interest. “All is complicated now by what has transpired. Astir has agreed to help us. Of course, there will be further payment on your part for his assistance. ”

Sighing, I ran my hands over my face with distress. “Is nothing simple anymore?”

“Apparently not. ” Adem shoved Katya onto the sofa. “I have to attend to Enre’s burial. I will return later. ”