“I don’t wish to discuss my condition,” I said. “Laura’s is much direr than my own. ”

“I know this. But I am your friend and I shall endeavor to be your supporter through all adversity. ”

Though he had alarmed me by sharing his observations, I was also comforted by his words. I would not correct him. It was best if he believed I was suffering a blood malady then suspect the truth of my nature. I had no wish to bring him under my power and tamper with his memories. It was preferable that he believe that I was ill than remove the memory of my bloodied tears. “I appreciate your friendship. I am so relieved you are here tonight. It has been difficult. ”

“Sir Stephan was quite inebriated when I arrived. Maria was courteous and urged me to come up, but Sir Stephan was incoherent. In his ramblings, it seemed he was blaming your husband for Laura’s condition. ”

I shook my head sadly, attempting to hide my frustration. “He seems quite intent to blame my husband for all the ills in his life. They do not always get along very well. I believe he thought my husband could somehow find a remedy. ”

“During his travels?”

“I suppose. Does grief ever make men sensible?”

Percy acknowledged my point with a sigh. “True words. ”

“I just don’t understand how she could have been so healthy just a short time ago and is now so horribly ill. How can this be?”

“Maria explained that previous illnesses have compromised her health. ”

“It’s pneumonia. ” My voice quivered. “It’s an illness that kills young and old. Laura’s brother succumbed to it as well. ”

Pressing his lips to Laura’s knuckles, Percy gazed at her face solemnly. “During my travels I pondered returning and asking for Laura’s hand in marriage. ”

“Percy!” I was shocked by this announcement and gaped at him in astonishment. “I never imagined you had such feelings. ”

“I don’t,” Percy said with a sorrowful smile. “I merely thought that perhaps we could enter into a marriage of convenience for both of us. She could live her life as she saw fit and be my companion when I returned from traveling. I am often quite lonely in my flat. I thought I could buy a house for her to fill with whatever she desired. I would not expect a consummation of the marriage, of course, but merely provide a safe haven for both of us to live our lives as we saw fit. ”

“Percy, that is so kind. ”

“Or perhaps selfish. Laura is a dear girl and I enjoy her friendship. I know she does not love me. She doesn’t love any man. She loves you. ”

“And I love her! She is my dearest friend. But I know she does love you, Percy. Not as a lover, but as a true a noble friend. She has always said as much. ” I reached across the bed to rest my fingers over his.

His beautiful blue eyes regarded me with infinite sadness.

Words failed us and we lapsed into silence. We tended to Laura as she thrashed about, the fever ravaging her body. We held snow against her face and held her as she was seized with terrible coughing fits. She was never truly lucid and it was nearly impossible to have her drink her tea or take the medicine the doctor had left for her.

It was well past midnight when Percy finally wearily rose to leave. I walked him to the door as the maids came in to change Laura’s bedding and watch over her until I returned. The house was eerily devoid of sound. I suspected Maria had fallen asleep while tending to her husband. The candles were burning low and cast grim shadows along the walls.

“I shall return tomorrow as soon as I can,” Percy vowed as he donned his coat.

“Thank you for your kindness, Percy. It means so much to all of us. ”

Wrapping his scarf about his neck and setting his hat upon his blond hair, he appeared lost in his thoughts. He pressed a long, firm kiss against my cheek, his warm hand pressed to my neck. “Laura is blessed to have you with her. I know you shall do all you can to bring her back from death’s door. ”

“Pray for us,” I whispered.

With a nod, he turned, stepped out into the snow, and w

as gone.

As the door closed behind him, I felt my barely beating heart lurch within my chest. I was certain it was breaking.

With a heavy heart, I returned to Laura’s room to sit at her side until the hour before sunrise. Adem, my constant shadow, watched as I neared the room from where he sat on a chair near the door. I faltered in my step and leaned heavily against the wall.

“Death is a part of life, Countess. ”

“I know this. ”