Lewis was clearly offended. “Excuse you!”

“You’re as skinny as a blade of grass,” Lenore snorted.

“She means no offense,” Arnold interjected. “But you’re definitely not Ken’s type.”

Lenore glowered, but didn’t deny what Arnold was saying.

Feeling distinctly uncomfortable, Emma waited for a break in the conversation to speak to Lewis. He’d arrived with the mother and child. Maybe he’d be able to give her insight into how to reach the distraught woman and bring her into the Fort.


Raising his hands, Lewis’s attention swiveled back and forth between Lenore and Arnold. “I’m just trying to make friends here. I’m new here. I saw a sister and-”

Lenore grunted. “I ain’t your sister.”

Lewis drew himself up and met Lenore’s angry gaze with an equally indignant one. “Really?”

“Babe, give him a break.”

With a furious sigh, Lenore’s shoulders sagged. “I get what you’re sayin’, okay? Both of you. I’m pissed off at the universe right now because Ken wouldn’t have been so lonely if you’d gotten here weeks ago. He was so lonely.” Tears welled in her eyes and she stalked off.

“It’ll be cool, man. I promise.” Arnold clapped Lewis on the shoulder. “She’s just having a rough time of it. I’ll put in a good word for you. It’s all good.” The tall redhead scampered after Lenore.

Pivoting about, Lewis caught sight of Emma lingering nearby. “Is everyone around here crazy?”

“I just got here myself, so I can’t speak to that,” Emma answered.

Lewis shot her a suspicious look. “But I saw you on the wall shooting the zombies yesterday.”

“I got put to work right away.” Emma shrugged one shoulder. “I guess they wanted to test me.”

“Will they do that to me?” Lewis didn’t look too happy at that thought.

“I killed an entire town of zombies, so I think they wanted me to prove myself.” She might as well get the topic of her legendary status out of the way.

“A whole town? You’re so tiny! What did you do? Drop a bomb?”

“It took over a year.”

“Oh! So slow-like. That makes sense.”

Emma nodded.

He extended his hand, an open and friendly look on his face. “I’m Lewis.”


They shook hands, exchanging smiles.

Crossing his arms over his chest, Lewis eyed her cowboy hat for a second. “You’re from Texas, huh?”

“Yeah. A few hours from here. You’re from Atlanta, right?”

“How’d you know?”

Emma pointed to the cap.

“Oh, yeah.” Lewis laughed, embarrassed. “I’m sleep-deprived and a little shook up right now.”