Emma joined them because she had no idea where to go next. It was strange to be out in the open and not fear the undead. The high wall was something that would take getting used to.

Juan’s jaw set in a hard line and he shook his head. “Nah. The runners weren’t either according to Nerit.”

“So how did Eddie end up a zombie and at the wall?”

“That’s a mystery.” Juan shrugged, his gaze forlorn. “At least for now.”

“I hate mysteries,” Katarina mumbled.

“Well, we got one on our hands.”

“How the fuck did Eddie get turned?” Katarina wiped her brow and stared toward the hotel. “We can’t catch a break.”

“It’s the z-poc.” Juan directed his gaze to the wall.

“That’s what everyone keeps sayin’. Doesn’t make it any easier.”

Emma wanted to speak up, but hesitated. It was strange to be part of something bigger than herself. Her voice was just one of many.

“Once we’ve got our people inside the walls and things settle down, maybe we can send a team out to look for Ed and his people.”

“That sounds like a fool’s errand to me, Juan. If they ran into the horde, they’re gone.”

Juan lowered his head so his hat hid his face. “We can hope for the best.”

“But plan for the worst.” Katarina patted Emma’s shoulder. “I’ll catch you later. I need to get back to my post.”

With a small wave, Emma said, “‘Later.”

Silence followed Katarina’s departure.

The world around Emma didn’t feel real. It was hard to believe she’d woken up this morning in her destroyed Airstream. She’d made a harrowing journey here only to be engaged in a battle against the undead within hours of arriving. Maybe she was passed out in her trailer, dreaming. It would explain just how fucked up everything felt, especially the child in the mask.

“I want to say that things aren’t usually this fucked up, but I’d be lying,” Juan said after a few seconds.

Emma shrugged, repeating what he’d said. “It’s the zombie apocalypse.”

Juan let out a bitter grunt. “Yeah. Still, you just got here and shit has already hit the fan.”

“I’m used to it. Sadly.”

“I feel bad about you ending up on the frontlines right away.”

“Don’t. It’s just how things are now.”

Juan scuffed the toe of his boot against the asphalt and jerked his cowboy hat off to run a hand through his hair. This was clearly a nervous tick. “It’s got to get better at some point, right?”

“If we’re lucky.” Emma hesitated then asked, “What happened to that woman and the kid?”

Juan averted his pretty green eyes, his long lashes casting shadows over his cheeks. “That situation is fucked.”

Anxious to know what had happened, Emma stepped toward him to catch his gaze. “Clearly. What did you do? What did you say to her?”

Juan rubbed his bicep. The topic of conversation was unsettling and he appeared to struggle with answering. She suspected the look in his eyes was guilt. It was strangely comforting that he looked as upset as she was over the gruesome situation. “We couldn’t let her bring him inside the wall, you know.”

Emma cocked her head to gaze up at him. “Right. So...where is she?”

Sighing heavily, he said, “Outside the wall.”