“Apology accepted,” Emma said, meaning it.

“I won’t let you down again. I promise.”

Emma smiled slightly. “Good.”

“So you’re not going to act like a damn fool anymore?” Monica asked, her voice slightly mocking.

“I can’t promise that.” Juan chuckled. “I am me after all. But I am going to do my damn best.”

“Good luck with that,” Arnold said with a clap on Juan’s shoulder.

Juan let out a slow, fretful sigh. “I just hope she’s gonna be okay. I never should’ve let her leave with Ed that day.”

“Cousin, I love you, but if you actually think you could’ve told Belinda what to do without her telling you to fuck off, you are in for a world of hurt.”

With a defensive shrug, he said, “I’m just worried about her.”

“Sure, cuz. Remember, I know what’s up with you. Unrequited love is a bitch. I know that from personal experience. Hell, I suspect Curtis tried to kill me and Bette because I didn’t love him! Not that I’m saying you’re going to be a complete psychopath,” Monica added quickly, observing his frown.

“I’m not that crazy and it’s not unrequited love. Belinda is my friend. Any romantic feelings I had for her are in the past. I may have had a thought or two about picking things back up with her, but I know that ain’t happening. Also, stop talking about that asshole Curtis. You’re scaring Emma. She’ll think we’re all nuts like him.”

Emma raised an eyebrow. “More like curious.”

“I have stories to tell you. Reality television would’ve loved the shit that goes down around here,” Arnold said.

Juan took off his cowboy hat to run his fingers through his sweaty locks. “I gotta agree with Arnold. A total dramafest. Cram a bunch of people into one building and shit goes down. Especially when you got a psychopath in the bunch.”

Monica’s upper lip curled with disgust. “Curtis was one of my biggest mistakes. I’ll tell you the whole story at some point, Emma, but things are much better since that asshole got a bullet to the brain.”

Arnold nodded. “The apocalypse brings out either the best or the worst in people. Usually the worst if you’re already unhinged.”

“It’s not always easy, but at least we’ve got each other.”

“Aw, cuz. That was sweet.” Monica hugged him, grinned over his shoulder, and pulled away. The joy that lit up her face was for the blonde woman who stepped out of the med center and strode toward them. “Hey, babe, I’m back in one piece.”

“I’ll be the judge of that.” Bette may have been relieved to see Monica safely returned, but she maintained a professional veneer as she started to thoroughly pat down Monica, searching for bites.

“I guess this is a bad time to flirt with you, huh?”

Bette remained focused on her task, but a small smile tilted the corners of her mouth. “There will be time for that later.”

Monica grinned. “I do like the sound of that.”

Bette finished and made a notation on the clipboard she had hooked to her belt. “You’re good to go.”

“I’ll see you later when your shift is done.”

Monica took a step back, remaining close by while Bette started her examination of Emma. It was strange having someone touching her after being alone for so long, but Emma endured it. Bette vigilantly scrutinized her swollen wrist.

“I smacked it when I fell off a roof and banged into a wall,” Emma explained.

“It sounds like you’ve got a story to tell,” Bette said, her eyes darting toward her partner.

“My cousin did a stupid thing and it got a little hairy out there.”

Juan bristled. “Are you gonna let me live it down?”

“Oh, no! You were acting like you were in a damn Bruce Willis movie. That jump off the bus onto the roof of the building was epic,” Monica teased.