“Slower zombies are easier to deal with one on one,” Nerit said. “Since our best driver is on maternity leave, I’ll be the lure. Any suggestions on a vehicle, Katarina?”

“Greta says that sweet Mustang the scavengers brought in a month ago is noisy and fast.”

“Then I’ll take that one.”

Juan nervously chuckled while tucking his hat back on his head. “Admit it, Nerit.”

“Admit what?”

“You’re a sniper, the equivalent of a stunt driver, a military strategist, and hard as nails. Basically, an all-around badass. You were Mossad, weren’t you?”

Nerit tilted her head to regard Juan with a stare that sent chills down Emma’s spine. A second later a bright smile lit up Nerit’s face. “Don’t be silly, Juan. I was simply an IDF sharpshooter. I served like all the other Israelis do. Nothing more than that.”

“Bull-fuckin’-shit,” Juan replied, shaking his head.

Ignoring him, Nerit pivoted away. Emma automatically straightened as the imposing woman’s gaze settled on her.

“Emma, are you ready for a first assignment?”

“I’m ready and willing to do whatever,” Emma said.

“In case something goes wrong and we have to resort to bullets, I’ll need people covering for me. Let’s see how good a shot you are if you’re needed. Katarina, take her to the West Main Street sentry post.”

Nerit gave Emma a brief, warm smile, before focusing on Juan and becoming stoic again. “Juan, get the elevator ready. I’ll stop at the corner of Main Street and Elm and run for it.”

“You know, someone else could do this, Nerit. You’re recovering from your illness.”

“It’s fine, Juan. As you pointed out, I’m a badass.”

“Don’t throw my words back at me, for fuck’s sake,” Juan grumbled. “Let someone else do this.”

“Just do as I say, Juan.”

Emma knew that tone from years of living with her grandparents. She gave Juan a furtive look to see how he’d respond.

With a grunt, he bobbed his chin, relenting. “Fine, but I don’t like it.”

“You don’t have to.” Nerit departed by sliding under the netting, which had the finality of someone slamming a door shut.

“Don’t worry. As you said. She’s a badass,” Katarina said, nudging Juan with her elbow. “Follow me, Emma. Let’s see what your badass rating is.”


Time to Kill Zombi


Emma hurried along Main Street with Katarina toward the wall located down the block. The pretty red brick road was so scorching hot she could feel the heat radiating through the soles of her boots. Sweat trailed down her neck and back while the strap on her rifle dug into her sore shoulder. Discomfort was an old friend. Since the zombie rising, her body was constantly covered in bruises and scratches from her long days killing zombies. The only time she hadn’t experienced pain was when she chugged liquor and passed out in her Airstream.

The vintage trailer was a far departure from the Fort. The old buildings lining the street were constructed from red brick with pretty decorative details like white pillars, decorative scrollwork, and hand-painted tile insets. It was easy to imagine the town bustling with activity during its heyday, but Emma doubted that time period had been in recent decades. Some of the structures were in good condition, while others looked like they’d been abandoned for a long time. In one store filled with gardening equipment, she caught a glimpse of people hunkered behind a counter peeking out at her.

“Is it always this exciting?” Emma asked in a hushed voice.

“Nah. Sometimes it’s so boring you wish something exciting would happen. Lately, though, it’s been one helluva rollercoaster ride. One where the cars go sailing off the track and leave you beat up something awful. Or dead.” The inflection in the redhead’s words revealed so much. It was the sound of loss and anger.

“The horde coming through must have scared the shit out of everyone.”

“That’s putting it lightly. But even before that happened we were dealing with a shit-ton of bad stuff. If we can handle what we’ve gone through in the last year, we can deal with anything that comes our way. I’m sure of that.”