“Get an early breakfast and meet me in the garage at 6:30 in the morning. We leave at sunrise. I’ll recruit the rest of our team tonight and let Travis and Kevin know what’s up.”

With that, Nerit walked off with Katarina falling in behind her.

Emma turned to check on Rune, but he was already heading into the main area of the Fort. Alone with Juan, she swiveled about to face him, although he darted off.

Alone, she lifted her head to gaze at the sun setting over the hills. Today had been a good day. Hopefully tomorrow would be as well. In a world filled with zombies, a good outcome was never a sure thing, but she was ready to make damn sure she did her best to tilt the odds in their favor.


Asshole Ghosts

Emma waited for Rune, leaning against the wall near his bike in the old newspaper building. On the other side of the bay, a mechanic worked on one of the vehicles. Tejano music with a polka beat blasted away from an ancient boom box in the corner. The activity in the main entry area had dissipated with the setting of the sun, leaving the area tranquil and rather comforting. The night had brought a cool breeze that swept through the dimly lit garage and dispelled the humidity and heat of the day.

Stomach grumbling, Emma wondered if maybe Rune wouldn’t leave until daybreak. She was hungry, but didn’t dare go to dinner for fear of missing the medium. He’d been so desperate to get away when they’d arrived back at the Fort, she was convinced he’d leave as soon as he could pack.

Tapping her foot to the Selena song playing, she resolved to keep waiting.

It was comforting being alone again. The mechanic wasn’t even visible. She was glad the mission to bring Macy into the Fort had been successful, but somehow the aftermath was bittersweet. She couldn’t quite put her finger on what was niggling at her and was the source of a surprising restlessness.

When Rune appeared, he was carrying his leather motorcycle saddlebags over his shoulder and clutching his rifle in one hand. A Harley Davidson bandana was wrapped around his forehead. Clad in a leather jacket, gloves, and jeans, he looked every inch a biker. Emma didn’t get the vibe off of him that he was new to life on a Harley traveling across Texas on the back roads. He’d probably been a biker for a long time.

“Hey, Emma,” he said with a somber nod when he spotted her.

“Hey, Rune.”

He cast a wary look at her. “What can I do for ya?”

“I’m just here to say goodbye.”

That answer brought a relieved grin to his face. “That’s mighty appreciated.”

The sound of swishing liquid came from his jacket when he leaned over to strap his bags to the bike. The top of a bottle of Jack Daniels poked out of one pocket.

“Does that help?” she asked, pointing to the liquor, genuinely curious.

“Somewhat. It’s got the noise level down since I’m feelin’ a bit numb, but that one asshole ghost is determined to wear me down. City folk. Even dead they think they can boss my redneck ass around.”

“Is it safe? Drinking and riding?”

“Don’t you get on my ass. You already remind me way too much of Lainey and she always got onto me about my drinkin’ and ridin’.”

Emma lifted an eyebrow. “Who’s that?”

“My loud-mouthed daughter.” Rune quirked a crooked smile at the memory of his child. “Bossy little cuss right from the start. Always tryin’ to mother me. She kept forgetting who was the parent.”

“Was she like you?”

“Oh, yeah. A total rebel. Did what she always wanted no matter what me or the old lady told her.” Despite the liquor on his breath, Rune deftly secured his bags with nimble fingers. “You got that same steel and fire. I can see it in ya.”

Emma folded her arms across her chest and leaned against a pillar while watching him prepare to leave. “I never thought I did before all of this.”

“You just had some asshole holdin’ ya back.”

“In my defense, Stan was a charming asshole.”

He’d also been a manipulative asshole who made sure she got pregnant so she’d stay in her hometown with him and not attend college. In Emma’s heart, she’d known from the moment the pregnancy test was positive that he’d won. He’d known her personal beliefs would keep her from having an abortion.

“Still an asshole. Men like that are shit. Stay away from men like that.”