“What do you see?” Emma asked.

Rune let out a ragged breath. “The boy’s spirit is tied to his body. I didn’t see it at first. He was hiding in the shadows by the radiator, but he’s there.”

A sudden head rush left Emma dizzy. She steadied herself with one hand on Rune’s shoulder. He caught her elbow and gave her a moment to compose herself.

“Emma, your boy moved on. He ain’t here.”

Swallowing hard, Emma gave him a short nod. “Thank you for telling me that.”

“Julian, though, is confused and afraid. He’s tethered to this reality.”

“Because she won’t let him go?”

Rune inclined his head. “Yeah.”

Macy shot them a curious look over her shoulder. “Why would I let him go? I’m his mother. He’s safe with me.”

Realizing they’d been overheard, Emma turned to face Macy while Rune sheepishly looked away. Juan paused in his task, his expression guarded.

“We didn’t mean to let go of his zombified body,” Emma responded in a careful tone.

Giving Emma an incredulous look over her shoulder, Macy scowled. “You’re not making sense.”

Emma took a deep breath before proceeding. “Macy, your son isn’t at peace because you’re not letting him move on.”

Releasing her son’s shoulders, Macy stood and swiveled about to face Emma. “How dare you!”

Julian instantly lunged at Juan, who straightaway pinned the snarling kid to the wall with one hand. Agitated, Macy jerked her son away from Juan and dragged the thrashing zombie to a nearby door. Opening it to reveal a decrepit bathroom beyond the doorway, Macy pushed her son inside.

“You’re having a time out, Julian.”

The leash caught on the doorjamb, stretching it taut. Macy held her son’s body at arm’s length and shut the door, pulling her hand free just as it clicked shut. The zombie immediately banged on the wood with his small fists.

“Calm down, Julian, and I’ll let you out in a few minutes.”

“This is so bad,” Rune muttered to Emma. “He’s so scared.”

Macy faced them, her chin lifted in defiance. “Don

’t tell me how to parent. He’s not scared. He’s…he’s…” She struggled to find the right words that wouldn’t upset her precariously balanced conviction on her son’s condition.

“He’s scared,” Rune repeated, his tone heated and edged with frustration.

Juan scooted over from the radiator with a shiver. “Kinda cold there, Rune.”

Rune responded with a sober nod. “It would be.”

Realizing he wasn’t looking at the bathroom door, but the darkened area near the radiator, Macy gave the spot an uneasy look. “Why are you looking there?”

“That’s where he’s hiding,” Rune replied.

Macy lifted her eyebrows. “No he’s not. He’s in the bathroom.”

Stepping toward the mother, Emma swallowed the lump in her throat threatening to choke her. It was not the time to let the memories of her own loss get the best of her. “We’re here to help you and Julian, but you have to accept that your son is not in that corpse locked in the bathroom. He’s-”

“Don’t you start lecturing me about him being in heaven! I’ve heard that enough from Lewis.”

“He’s not in heaven. He’s over there. In that corner. Afraid.”