“Back when the world had order and things worked properly, we may have found each other much more quickly. But if they are operating on channels that we are not and vice versa. . . ” Nerit slightly shook her head.

“We can’t apply normal world expectations to the situations we are experiencing now. This new presence in our lives is not a known quantity and we don’t know what it will hold for us. ”

“They’re the United States military. Sworn to serve and protect. Why should we fear them?” Eric looked up and stared at Nerit. “They’re our people. ”

“I think we should start asking for our people back,” Peggy said. “Maybe now that they know we’re here, they’ll be listening for us. Looking for us.

And we can start talking like civilized people instead of freaking out. ”

With an angry sound, Curtis rose to his feet. “If Lenore had not blown the plan at the hospital and opened fire--”

“That is a moot point now,” Travis snapped. “Jenni and whoever else survived are in the hands of the military and we cannot be going off second guessing what Lenore did!”

“We cannot afford fuckups that cost us our people, Travis!” Curtis shouted.

“Everyone makes mistakes,” Katie said, stepping toward Curtis. “I love Jenni! And this is killing me, but Lenore did what I would have done in her place. I would have saved my best friend. ”

“Back down,” Katarina said in a low voice.

Curtis shot her a fierce look, but her gaze was so cold, so chilling, he visibly shrank away from her.

“We’re off topic. This isn’t about Lenore,” Eric said in a firm voice.

“I say we send the messages,” Nerit said after a beat. “Because if they have our people, they have a reason behind it. Let’s start talking. ”

Katie felt tears threatening as she bobbed her head in agreement. “Yes, please, let’s do that. Let’s bring Jenni home. ”

Eric nodded. “I agree. ”

“We gotta find out what is going on out there. I say send out an invite. ”

Katarina pushed her heavy red hair out of her face. “Won’t do us no good worrying and not doing. ”

“I ain’t got no issue calling them up and asking them to give us our people back,” Peggy declared. “I am so sick of this bullshit. ”

Travis took a deep breath. “Then let’s do it. ”

Chapter 13

1. The Mall, Zombies, and the Alamo

Damn lot of zombies, Bill thought.

After an hour of listening to the Major General carry on about building a new tomorrow, a greater America, protecting the native soil, and on and on, he had finally escorted Bill up onto the roof of the mall.

“What do you think?” the Major General asked, sweeping his hand out in front of him.

Bill took in the white wall that surrounded the mall, the blockades over the entrances, the cars, buses, and a combination of army, marine and national guard vehicles of every shape and color. Every entrance into the mall parking lot was heavily fortified with multiple guards on duty.

But beyond the wall… Zombies…a whole lot of zombies. . .

“We can eradicate them,” the Major General said in a decisive voice.

“Or just get eaten,” Bill added.

The Major General frowned.

“It’s happened before,” Bill said. “In at least two movies. Malls, just bad… bad news. . ”