We’ll have a few hours of nice cozy sleep. ”

“Yum,” Katie whispered. “That sounds wonderful. ”

Travis smiled slowly. “You’re wonderful. ”

Running her hand lightly down the side of his face, she smiled. “Hurry back. ”

“I will. ” Travis leaned down and kissed her lips softly. “Love you. ”

“Love you,” Katie answered drowsily.

“Always and forever,” Travis added.

She snuggled into her pillow. “Send Curtis my love. ”

“I will. ”

After one last kiss on her brow, he straightened the covers around her then moved toward the door. A quick, sudden chill flowed over his body and he froze. He literally felt the hair on his head stand up on end.

Turning quickly, he saw Katie already asleep in their bed, the lamp next to the bed illuminating her hair into a halo. Rubbing his hand over his chest, he could feel his heart beating a little faster and he swallowed hard. He had no idea what had just happened to him, but it frightened him.

Taking a deep breath once more, he opened the door and stepped out.

* * * * * It had been awhile since justice had been dealt out at the fort. A long time.

In those months, the Vigilante had watched and waited to see what the so called leaders of the fort would do or say.

The Vigilante had not been very satisfied. It had been hard to withhold the hand of justice, but the time had come once more. The Vigilante would deal out justice to those who were weak and a burden to the fort.

Yes, the time had come.

Walking down the hallway, the Vigilante hesitated before the communication center where Curtis could usually be found and looked in the glass window set in the door. Smiling, the vigilante studied Curtis’ features. He had obviously been crying.

Curtis was weak.

But the Vigilante was strong.

It was time for justice.

5. Between Two Worlds “I always loved to watch you sleep,” Lydia’s voice whispered.

Katie stirred slightly, her eyelashes fluttering, then she was still.

Lydia’s apparition moved into the light next to the bed and stood silently.

Her expression was full of love and yet it was sad. Slowly, she sat down on the edge of the bed and folded her long hands on her lap. .

“The veil is so thin now I can almost touch you,” she said softly. Slowly, she rested her almost corporeal hand on Katie’s stomach. “I miss touching you so much. ”

Katie let out a soft sigh and rolled completely onto her back, her hand resting against her stomach.

“I love seeing you this way. In all our years together, I never saw you as a motherly woman. But seeing you like this now, it touches my heart so deeply. It makes me happy. ” Lydia smiled softly. “We had so many plans, you and I. Happy with our family of two. If none of this had happened, I never would have seen you as I do now. Full of life and glowing. A mother to be. ”

Lydia sat in silent repose, then laid her hand ever so gently on Katie’s hand. “Strange how all that happened has been a curse, yet a gift. I miss you. I do, Katie. But you have moved on in away that makes me so proud.

I love you and I want you to be happy. But I do fear for you. I have done all I can to help you and yours. And now. . . ” Lydia sighed. “Now there is nothing more I can do. It’s time for us to move on. All those still lingering between the two worlds. We’ve done what we can and now the world will change again. It is time for us to leave you to do what you must. After tonight, I will no longer return to you as I have. My time here is done. ”

Tears in her eyes, Lydia pressed a hand to her slim throat composing herself. “You are all standing on the brink of a new world. Whether the dead or the living rule will be decided. I know you think of yourselves as just survivors, but you are more than that. You are the new Eden. You are the new beginning. There are other enclaves of survivors, but none are as important as this one. This is the place that was chosen to give birth to a new world. The choices you make tomorrow will have ramifications far beyond what you understand or see. ”