Running her hands through her long dark hair, she lowered her head and prayed.

3. John Wayne, the Alamo, and the Republic of Texas

“We have cows,” Katie said in a somber tone.

“Yep. We have cows,” Nerit answered.

They stood at the guard post overlooking Main Street looking down into the corral that had been thrown up on a cleared lot near the hotel. Safely ensconced in the fort’s walls, the cows looked rather comfortable with all the attention they were getting. People were lined up around the roped off area trying to pet them while Calhoun proudly strutted among the small herd.

“And cats,” Katie said pointing to a cat walking daintily across the old construction site.

“And dogs,” Nerit added. She gave the Chihuahua trying to mate with her boot a dark look. It just grinned up at her and kept going.

“Did we want him back?” Katie asked scrunching up her nose.

“Unfortunately, I think we did. ”

“We’re on crack,” Katie decided.

“Absolutely,” Nerit answered.

* * * * * “Calhoun, seriously, I want to talk to you,” Travis called out.

“Can’t talk…milking,” Calhoun answered.

Travis climbed over the rope and pushed between two cows that barely acknowledged his presence.

Calhoun was on a short stool milking away. He was still in his foil suit and smelled of sour milk and sweat. Three cats and two dogs sat patiently on the other side of the cow waiting for their master to send a squirt their way.

Travis had been voted as the one to debrief Calhoun since he didn’t trust the “Amazonians. ” He was having a rough time getting the old timer to talk to him. Calhoun was definitely on his own agenda.

“Calhoun, seriously, we got to talk,” Travis repeated drawing near.

Calhoun looked up at him through the long, crazy threads of his busy eyebrows and said, “You wired?”

“By who?”

“That old woman with the devil’s eye. ”


“I figured it out. She’s the Amazonian queen. ”

Travis considered this, then shrugged. “Probably, but no, I’m not wired. ”

“Eh…what do you want to know?” Calhoun asked and shot a cat with a spray of milk.

The cat lapped up the rich milk from its whiskers with relish.

“The army. How long have you known about it?”

“Um, army has been around for a long time,” Calhoun answered. “Started back when we fought against the alien overlords that were possessing the English king. ”

“I mean, recently. The helicopters. ”


“I TOLD you the government was kidnapping people for cloning. And the clones got fucked up and now they’re zombies. ”