Kevin forced himself to keep his expression as neutral as possible.

Bruce Kiel muttered “Fuck this,” stood up and left.

“He may be a problem,” Raleigh sighed.

“I’ll deal with him,” the Senator said. “We’re old friends. ”

“He’ll come around,” the Major General said firmly. “They all will. It’s a new age. A new America. ”

Kevin looked at the proposal, flipping slowly through it. Land of the Free seemed not included in this new America.

He had no choice. He would do what needed to be done to protect the American people.

Chapter 14

1. The Return of the Living Dead and More

The morning was quite cold with a thick mist covering the ground. The fort was completely enshrouded in fog and the fading darkness of the new day.

“Hate it when it’s like this,” Katarina muttered as she stood watch on the wall.

“Should clear up once the sun is fully out,” Linda, her partner on the watch, answered her.

“Just makes me nervous,” Katarina sighed.

“. . . if it was really her, then it means she’s not trapped in a rotting corpse out there. . . ” Katie’s voice trailed out of the mist.

Katarina felt the floor beneath her quiver as the joggers approached. The extensive catwalk that had been built around the interior of the walled in fort was finally finished.

Katie and Travis emerged from the mist, huffing and puffing, jogging at an even strid


“I don’t know if I believe in ghosts,” Travis answered his wife.

Everyone nodded a hello to one another as the joggers shot by.

“Look, we live in a zombie infested world. . . I think that ghosts are not that far a stretch anymore. . . ” Katie answered then they were gone.

Katarina returned her gaze out over the mist. She couldn’t see into the street and field beyond the hotel. It was so very thick. She wasn’t sure what Katie and Travis were talking about, but on a morning like this she didn’t want to think about zombies and ghosts. She had a rough enough time dealing with her mother’s ghost glowering at her at the worst times.

Already, her skin was pricking and she didn’t dare look behind her.

“This is the kinda thing that goes down in horror movies right before the monsters show up,” Katarina muttered and lit up a cigarette.

Linda laughed. “Oh, c’mon, you’re not going to get all spooked out by some mist?”

Katarina gave Linda her coldest eye and she laughed in response.

“Zombies exist. I think we have the major spook factor covered, huh?”

The Christmas lights blinked on and off, tiny halos of red and green light illuminating the mist.

“Something isn’t right. I feel it,” Katarina finally answered.

Linda glanced into the mist. “Yeah, I feel it now, too. ”

Almost as if on cue, the mist parted and at least a dozen zombies staggered into view. Decayed and gruesome, they reached toward the fort wall with low, rumbling moans.