Katie suddenly recognized him and gasped. “Oh, my God. You are that kid from the co

nvenience store that we kept telling about the zombies and you wouldn’t believe us!”

The boy hunched his shoulders, then said, “Yeah, so what?’ “What are you doing with Guadalupe?”

“He’s a good boy,” Guadalupe assured Katie. “He came with the soldiers to the rescue center and he always pushes my chair around. ”

Katie shook her head in amazement. “Oh, my God! The last time I saw him he was running from the zombies. ”

“I run fast. I got away. The soldiers picked me up and Guadalupe is like my grandma now. She’s pretty cool. ” The boy shrugged his shoulders again.

Katie was in shock, but it was a pleasant one. “Well, I’m glad that you’ve been helping her. ”

With a slight laugh, she walked to the door and looked back at the boy again. Somehow, seeing him alive made her feel better. The world wasn’t completely filled with death and it was a small comfort she would embrace.

* * * * * Curtis stretched his legs and moved out of the communication center to see Linda walking down the hall.

“Hey, Linda,” he said with a sheepish grin.

“Hey, Curtis,” she answered with a smile.

“I hear that disco night is still on for Friday. We still going together?”

Curtis asked.

Linda chewed her bottom lip. “Yeah, I think so. ”

She looked hesitant and it made Curtis nervous. They had been fooling around for a few weeks, but she always seemed a little elusive whenever he tried to get her to commit to anything.

“Okay, well we can dance and stuff,” he said.

“Yeah. That will be fun. ”

The blond soldier named Bette moved down the hall toward them. Curtis had been told by Nerit that Bette would be coming to update the communication center so they could start monitoring official channels as well. She was very pretty with her short hair and large blue-green eyes.

“Hi,” Bette said when she saw both of them.

Linda turned and gave Bette a wide grin. “Hi again. ”

“I’m supposed to help a Curtis,” Bette said slowly.

“That’s me,” Curtis said, drawing himself up and trying to look official.

“Great. Then I’m in the right place. ”

Curtis’ eyes narrowed as the two women looked at each other in a way he wasn’t sure how to take. They seemed to share a secret, but he knew that was impossible. They couldn’t have but just met.

“See you around,” Linda said, and Curtis wasn’t sure who she meant.

“See you,” Curtis said quickly.

Bette just smiled at Linda, then turned to him. “Let’s get started. ”

* * * * * As Calhoun danced alone under the stars hours later, the fort slumbered.

The old man danced a wild jig of glee as he ignored the throbbing of his head and the pain in his side. He was jubilant and he was celebrating.

The Amazon Bitch Queen had been dethroned and the fort still stood.