“We won't,” Katie responded, and kissed Nerit's cheek.

Nerit gave her a small smile, then it slipped away as she looked determined once more. “Thank you,” she said.

“We'll see you when we get back,” Travis said to both of them.

Katie gave a little wave, then they walked off, hand in hand.

Peggy sighed wistfully and Nerit raised an eyebrow.

“I can't help it. Young love!” Peggy blushed and pretended to scrutinize her map.

“And soon a baby,” Nerit sighed.

“She's pregnant?” Peggy blinked rapidly with surprise.

“I don't think she knows yet,” Nerit answered. She leaned over the map and studied it.

“Really?” Peggy thought about how long it took her to realize her own pregnancy. Cody had sneaked up on her. “She has the glow, huh?”

Nerit gave a curt nod.

“But she shouldn't be going out if-”

“We all take risks. All of us,” Nerit answered coolly. “Even living here is a risk. We never know what tomorrow may bring or the next hour or minute. ”

Peggy started to protest, then looked at the bricked-up windows and doors. Nerit was right. Nothing was really safe. It was all just varying degrees of it.

In the beginning of all of it, she had really thought the army would come and save everyone, that big trucks would drive up and everyone would get on board, that they would go off to some top secret underground fortress. But it had never happened. She remembered how silly she had thought their truck perimeter was in the beginning and how she had rolled her eyes at the wall. The army will come soon, she had thought over and over again. Now she realized the wisdom of them defending themselves and making it safe for everyone taking refuge in the construction site.

“Contact the survivor groups and let them know we are coming today,” Nerit ordered.

Peggy chewed on her bottom lip, her nervousness growing. Behind Nerit, there were children, squealing with delight and running around with the little Jack Russell terrier named Pepe. It was hard when their people traveled out into the deadlands. It was too horrible when you had to wait and see if they all made it back and if not, who hadn't made it. Dylan wasn't their only loss in the last few months. The children running around were who they were doing this for.

Nerit slid the paper across the counter to Peggy.

Looking over it, Peggy scratched behind one ear. “Okay, I'm on it.

I'll start contacting the groups. ”

Nerit gave her a nod then walked off slowly, slightly favoring one leg. If she knew Peggy noticed, she'd probably be annoyed.

Peggy sighed and hurried to the communication center.

2. The Countdown Begins

Katie watched the gates glide open, her stomach knotting. The gates to the inner courtyard were already closed behind the two vehicles leaving the fort. Katie and Travis were in the Hummer. Four others were in the souped up mini-van behind them.

In the distance, two zombies moved toward the opening gates, but the fort snipers took them down with eerie efficiency. Nerit had meticulously trained the most gifted of the fort's people in her art and Katie heard that Katarina had risen to be her star pupil.

Katie pushed down the accelerator and started down the road.

Glancing into the review mirror, she saw the mini-van following closely. Felix was driving with a new guy, Bob, sitting beside him. She was hoped the new people would be able to handle the stress of entering the deadlands.

“This is pretty nice,” Travis decided, looking around the interior.

“Should be, for how much it costs,” Katie answered.

“I hear it's actually Blanche's. She used it to go shopping. ” Travis looked amused.