Jack, Pepe, and Nerit’s old dog, Tucker, scampered past him, dancing around with doggy delight. The party was in full swing now and everyone was having fun. Travis smiled as he saw Lenore and her best friend, Ken, dancing away in one corner and Katarina and Peggy line dancing to one side. Even Belinda had come out and sat at a table with Rosie and Linda, Juan’s cousin. Belinda’s eyes were red from crying. Travis couldn’t blame her mourning Mike’s death. If Katie had died yesterday, he didn’t think he would even be able to function.

He was so grateful they were both alive and together.

A minute or two later when Curtis approached he assumed the younger man was coming up to him to make some comment about what a lucky man he was. But then it became obvious that Curtis was really upset about something.

“Travis, I found contraband on the kids,” Curtis said in a low voice.

“They were smoking pot out in the gazebo. I confiscated what they had, but there may be more. ”

“Pot, huh?” Travis considered this. “Well, they are kids…”

“We are rebuilding this society. We do not need drugs to worm their way back into it and destroy our youth!”

“Well, Curtis, look around. Half the adults in here are pretty damn drunk. Hell, I’m on my way, too. A little pot isn’t going to hurt them. ”

“Pot is a gateway drug!”

“To what? The drug war is over, Curtis. The kids found some pot.

Big deal. Once they smoke it, it's gone. It’s over. I smoked it myself back in the day. And I’m a fine outstanding citizen,” Travis said in a voice he hoped wasn’t too condescending. He was really annoyed with Curtis ruining the kids’ party. Yeah, he wasn’t fond of the idea of the kids smoking, but it wasn’t going to kill them.

“I thought you would be a little more understanding,” Curtis said in a tone that was half-hurt, half-angry. “I really did. ”

“Well, I am understanding, but I don’t think it's such a big deal in the grand scheme of things. ” Travis sighed. “Sorry, Curtis, but I don’t.

I’m going to go check on Katie. She’s a little blitzed. ”

Curtis sighed, then nodded. “Okay…okay. I guess I’ll drop it. ”

Travis squeezed Curtis shoulder and walked out into the foyer. He noticed Philip standing near the women’s bathroom the second he was in the hall and he paused in his steps. Rubbing his chin, he moved toward Philip slowly.

“Have you seen Katie?” he asked.

Philip turned, startled. “Oh, um, yeah. She went into the ladies room with someone. ”


Philip looked a little flustered. “Yeah, she, uh, she, uh…you know.

She’s trying out the other side of the fence. ”

“What the fuck are you talking about?”

Philip stepped away from the door, looking vastly uncomfortable.

r />

“She came on to Shane, all slutty-like, saying she wanted to know what it felt like to have a man. ”

Travis didn’t even respond. He burst through the bathroom door and took in the scene.

Katie was fighting Shane as he tried to push himself into her. Katie had one hand planted hard into his throat, but the other was twisted behind her back. Shane was exposed and the sight enraged Travis.

“Get off my girlfriend,” Travis shouted. He grabbed Shane by the shoulders and sent him flying across the room.

“Travis,” Katie sobbed.

“Baby, I’m here,” Travis said, wiping away her tears. His heart was thudding so hard in his chest it hurt. The anger he felt was so intense it was pulsing in his temples. He was torn between comforting her and beating the shit out of Shane.