Jenni reached out and tapped her knee. “What’s up?”

“Well,” Katie started slowly, as if measuring her thoughts before making them into words. “Travis and I just had some really intense, throw you up against the wall, earth-shattering sex. ”

“All right!” Jenni held out her hand for a high five.

Katie looked at her hand, and added, “Without any protection. ”

“Oh, shit. ” Jenni dropped her hand.

“Yeah. We both really spaced it. Completely. I’m not sure he even realizes what happened. ” Katie sighed softly.


“Yeah. Shit. ” Katie ran her hands over her face, then looked at Jenni. “Lesbian sex is not this complicated!”

Jenni laughed and shook her head. “Nope, it's not. I mean your girlfriend can’t knock you up. It’s not like dildos come fully loaded with that baby making stuff. ”

Katie burst out laughing and covered her face with one hand. “Oh, gawd. ”

Jenni smiled, but then her expression grew as serious as her thoughts. “You okay?”

With a nod, Katie sighed. “Yeah. I am. Weirdly. I don’t really feel panicked at all. I mean, honestly, I had not even thought about it. You know. Babies. But, I guess I have to. Travis…” She smiled at the sound of his name on her lips. “Travis is like Lydia. The one you keep until death parts you. He’s in my heart now and I guess I need to think like…uh…”

“A straight woman,” Jenni offered.

“A woman who can now have babies biologically with her mate and doesn’t have to worry about in vitro-fertilization and the proper donor. ” Katie smiled at the memories of her and Lydia's discussion about making a family or not. They had opted not to in the end. “Now, right now, this could be it. Babyville. ”

“I’m sure we could find a pill down in the pharmacy stash,” Jenni offered.

“No, no. ” Katie shook her head. “No. If something happens then it happens. I’ll deal with it. We both will. ”

“You know, I have a feeling that Travis would love a baby with you,” Jenni said.

“Me, too. Me, too. But what about you? You and Juan. Being careful?”

“Tubes tied,” Jenni said sadly. “Stupid Lloyd didn’t want anymore kids. Of course, I had to be the one to face the knife, the bastard. ”

“Oh, Jenni, I'm so sorry. ”

“It’s okay. I told Juan. He was real quiet then shrugged it off. Said it was kinda cool not to have to worry about condoms. Later on he said something about when people do start having kids that Hillary Clinton will have her wish because it will be a village, literally, raising them. I guess he figures that somehow he’ll get in on the kid thing. I mean, if you have a kid, I’m so gonna be Auntie Jenni. ”

“Oh, yeah, you will be,” Katie said with a wide grin. Her smile faded and she looked very thoughtful. “I’m madly in love with him.

It’s different. Very different. I’m still adjusting. His body, his… smell…the way he touches me…all different, but I love him. I kept wanting to not love him, but I do. And if we have a baby out of our fuck up, I’m okay with that. Because…”

Jenni reached out and hugged her as Katie started to cry. She smoothed her blond curls back, kissed her brow and held her close.

Katie clung to her, sobbing, both happy and sad, and Jenni knew she just needed to hold her.

“Hey, lesbos,” Shane’s voice said from afar. “Can you watch the fucking street instead of making out? We’re heading out again. ”

Jenni looked down to see Shane and three other men getting into a delivery truck. All day, they had been going in and out of the hotel since it appeared to be a slow day in zombieville. Already they had returned twice with truckloads of supplies.

“Fuck off, Shane,” Jenni yelled down at him.

“Save your pussy eating for later, bitch,” Shane responded.

“Bite me, asshole,” Jenni shouted back.