“Absolutely, not, ” Stacey answered.

Eric finally looked toward the bed. Stacey was laying across it naked and beautiful. She had insisted in showering first and now he understood why. She was smiling with the sweetest, yet most sultry smile he had ever seen on her lovely face.

“Sorry, Pepe. You're out of luck, ” Eric stammered. He dropped his towels and walked transfixed to the bed.

Stacey laughed with delight and held out her arms to him.

“At last, we can make this official! ”

“And no one will hear us! ” Eric answered as he slid naked over her form.

She plucked his glasses off and tossed them onto a chair nearby.

“Tell me you love me. ”

“I love you, ” Eric whispered.


Lenore opened up her hotel room door and stared out at Ken with her most grumpy expression. He was dressed in his new pajamas and held Cher's cat carrier in one hand and a bottle of champagne in the other.

“Slumber party!” He exclaimed with a grin.

“No, ” Lenore answered, and shut the door.

She knew it wouldn't deter him and waited for the knock she knew was coming.

“Lenore, let me in. I'm your best girlfriend. ”

Lenore harrumphed at this.

“You love me. Please, Lenore. Let me in. I'm afraid of zombies and I can't sleep alone. Please! I know you have two queens in there. ”

Lenore looked over her shoulder at the two beds.

“Another one won't hurt, ” his voice pleaded through the door.

Finally, she opened it and stared out at him.

“One word about Daniel Craig, Clive Owen or Hugh Jackman, and I'm throwing you out! ”

Ken grinned and hurried past her.


Lenore shut the door, grumbling, but a small smile managed to creep onto her lips. At least she had her best friend in this stupid world even if he was annoying sometimes.


Peggy tucked Cody into his bed along with his stuffed bear. Her son looked up at her anxiously, his hands gripping her sleeve.

“I don't want to sleep alone in here, Mommy,” he whispered.

“Cody, the zombies can't get in here. We're safe. The zombies are far away, I promise, ” Peggy kissed his forehead.

She was looking forward to her first night of real sleep without him clinging or waking her up with his nightmares.

“Promise? ”