“I didn't check the storeroom myself, but I heard Curtis call it as clear. ” Felix shrugged.

“He sent him in there to die!” Jenni couldn't hold her tongue anymore. “He did it on purpose!”

Juan came running into view just then. His boot heels rang out in the huge lobby. He skidded to a stop near Jenni. “Babe?”

“Curtis did it on purpose,” Jenni shouted again, tears streaming down her face. “He did it on purpose. He's the fuckin' Vigilante! It could have been Jason! He could have killed my son!”

The minute the words left Jenni's lips, the atmosphere in the room changed significantly. Peggy could feel it. The accusation against Curtis suddenly felt impotent. Bill reached out and snagged the younger man's shoulder in a firm, comforting grip.

Juan grabbed Jenni's arm and twirled her into his arms. She clung to him, crying violently.

“Curtis, go to your room. Clean up. Rest up. We'll talk later,” Bill ordered.

Katarina and Felix both sighed as Bill shooed them off as well.

Katie smoothed Jenni's hair back from her face as Juan whispered in her ear.

“You two, calm her down?”

Juan nodded to Bill. He helped Katie lead Jenni away.

Travis stood beside Peggy. “What do you think?” He looked at Bill pointedly.

“Shit happens out there. People die. And it ain't easy,” Bill answered.

“Can't disagree with ya there. ” Slowly, Travis turned back to where Nerit was still studying the map. “C'mon, Peggy. We got work to do. ”

Peggy looked back at Curtis one more time before the elevator doors shut. Her stomach clutched tightly. Her nerves were getting the best of her. It was a fucked up world and she hated it. But at least Bill and Travis were there to make it better.

Trying to hide the trembling of her hands, she followed after Travis.

“What's the plan?” Travis asked Nerit, leaning his elbows on the counter.

“I heard there was a disturbance! I fully intend to reveal the truth behind the matter to all who will listen! I will not allow the truth of the conspiracies of this illegal fort to go unreported to the-” Calhoun burst into the lobby with his video camera already filming.

“I'll get rid of him, “Peggy said with a sigh.

“Actually,” Nerit said with a wicked little smile. “We're going to need him for our plan. ”

Peggy looked at the smelly old man and then Nerit. “Him?” She was incredulous. ”

Travis looked back at Calhoun and then Nerit. “You sure?”

“Oh, yes,” Nerit said. “I'm sure. ”

Calhoun spotted them and headed toward them, his foil hat looking about to fly off his head his was coming so fast.

“Just the man I am looking for,” Nerit said.

Calhoun looked shocked, then a little afraid. “I will not assist you in your nefarious plans, Amazonian Queen!”

“Yes, you will,” Nerit assured him. “Because it will help defeat the marauding aliens attempting land grabs and abductions. ”

Calhoun looked at her suspiciously from beneath his scraggly eyebrows, then slowly tilted his head. “Okay. I'm listening. ”

As Peggy listened to Nerit's plan slowly unfurl, she felt her fear began to subside. Perhaps, it would all work out okay after all.

3. When Nothing is Clear