Jenni exploded into the lobby of the hotel. Her fury was livid in her eyes and her skin was flushed. “Where the hell is Bill?”

“Communication center,” Peggy said, and pointed down the hall.

“He's training Ken. ”

“What's going on?” Katie stepped toward Jenni.

“Fucktard got Dylan killed!” She pointed behind her, trembling with rage.

Curtis came into view, his head down, looking pale. “Jenni, I didn't mean to-”

“Oh, shut up!”

Katarina and Felix appeared behind Curtis. Katarina laid a gentle hand on the younger man's shoulder.

“Let it go, Jenni,” she said in a soft voice.

“No! I won't! He's the gawddamn Vigilante! He told Dylan to go into that storeroom and it had a fuckin' zombie inside! He did it on purpose cause he was mad at him for smoking weed!”

Curtis was trembling with emotion and looked up at Jenni, tears streaming down his face. “I thought it was clear!”

“You liar!”

“Get Bill,” Travis said in a soft voice to Katie. “And Juan. ”

Katie gave him a quick nod and hurried down the hall.

Travis pushed off from the counter and walked slowly toward Jenni.

“Jenni, things go wrong out there. You know it. ”

Jenni whirled around, toward Travis. “Dylan was a boy! He's just a boy! Curtis got him killed. ”

“I thought it was clear!” Curtis' face was red, his hands clenched at his side.

Katarina held onto Curtis shoulder, partially to comfort him, partially to keep him back from Jenni.

“It was not an easy ride back with these two going at it,” Felix grumbled.

“I want him locked up!” Jenni stomped her foot.

“Jenni, calm down. We need to take care of this in a calm manner. ”

Peggy slowly walked up behind Travis, glad for his gentle demeanor. She, personally, wanted to slap Jenni and shake Curtis, but she also felt sick at the thought of someone so young dying so horribly. Poor Dylan.

Bill appeared with Katie, hoisting up his belt and looking slightly annoyed. “What's going on?”

Jenni and Curtis started talking at the same time. Katarina and Felix kept trying to interject, but the noise was unbelievable. Peggy felt like screaming at them to shut up.

Bill raised a hand. Everyone fell silent.

“Curtis, talk to me. What happened?” Bill looked at the younger man with a fatherly compassion that Peggy admired.

“We were in the Walgreen's. We made a sweep through. I checked the storeroom. Didn't see nothing. Told Dylan to go in and start organizing what we needed to take. I went to get a dolley. I heard him screaming and ran in. I guess the zombie came off a shelf or something. I don't know. I shot both of them. ” Tears were streaming down Curtis' face. He rubbed at his flushed cheeks furiously.

Bill looked at Katarina and Felix. “Is that what you saw?”

“I didn't see anything, but I heard Curtis telling Dylan to take care of things in the storeroom,” Katarina answered.